Genetically GCaMP3 encoded S2 (S2[GCaMP3]) cells were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: 75 stable S2 cell lines containing a library of intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) fluorescently tagged with mNeonGreen were constructed. In addition, stable S2 cell lines expressing the following full-length transcription factors were generated: da, rib, CG10321, CG13287, tgo, Spps, CG31510, brk, and disco.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable S2 cell line was created containing CG17224 tagged with V5 under a copper inducible promoter.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cell lines expressing circCG32369, circMCPH1, circeIF5B, circrl, circPde11, circCG17715, circzfh2, circTao, circcrol, circdrn, circMeltrin, circpxb, circfru, circdati, circstw, circSarm, circStim, circCG2991, circPvr, circHil, circmub, circsxc, circbnl, and circCG9743 were created. The author reports new stable cell lines S2-circMCPH1, S2-circCG32369, S2-Flag-Ddx56 , and S2-Flag-gw.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines containing inducible cDNAs for zld (isoform zld-RB), grh (isoform grh-RH) or twi (isoform twi-RA) were created. Stable S2 cell containing the DNA-binding domains of zld (amino acids 1114-1487) or grh (amino acids 1114-1487) were also created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: The following constructs were used to create stable S2 cell lines: Full-length Drosophila Orc1 (generated from cDNA), Drosophila Orc1[IDR] (residues 187-549), Drosophila Orc1[IDR-P-dead] (residues 187-549 with every '[S/T]P' mutated to 'AP') and metazoan Orc1[IDR] orthologs [human Orc1 residues 177-484, Fasciola hepatica (Platyhelminthes) Orc1 residues 1-267, Hypsibius dujardini (Tardigrada) Orc1 residues 1-278 and Amphimedon queenslandica (Porifera) Orc1 residues 177-593].
New stable cell line derived from this cell line:A stable S2 cell line containing 3xFLAG-cry was generated.
S2 cells stably expressing Cas9 nuclease (S2-Cas9) were used.
S2 cells were heavy metal-treated.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of F. Pignoni.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of William Chia.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Xi Zhou, Wuhan Institute of Virology.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Xi Zhou.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Yun Zhao.
S2 lines FS and 1B from FBrf0211356 were used. FS is a stable cell line co-expressing the copper-inducible constructs pMT- Svb::GFP and pMT-pri1-4fs . 1B is a stable cell line co-expressing the copper-inducible constructs pMT- Svb::GFP and pMT-pri.
Serum-dependent S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Chin-Tong Ong.
Serum-independent S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Steve Cohen.
(Wuhan University).
DL2 refers to a subline of S2 cells that was supplied by Peter Christian for use in viral culture (FBrf0100582).
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable line that expresses a chimeric Tl receptor (ERTL) that can be activated by adding Epidermal Growth Factor to the growth medium.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: DL2 cells (a subline of S2 cells) were stably transfected with a plasmid expressing V5-tagged B2, a viral suppressor of RNAi produced by Flock House virus (FHV) that acts by binding dsRNA.
Non-adherent S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Neal Silverman.
S2 cells were obtained from the University of California, Berkeley Cell Culture Facility.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Arnaud Echard (Institut Pasteur).
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Dr. Li (Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences).
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Wei Song.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Xi Zhou
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Yan Dong.
S2 cells, subclone L2-4, were obtained from the laboratory of Patrick Heun.
Engstrom of Stockholm University.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Drosophila S2 cells stably transfected with sh-w, or short hairpin RNAs targeting the Edis circular RNA of the Sarm locus (shEdis-A or shEdis-B), were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells carrying an inducible trpl-EGFP transgene (gift from B. Minke) were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: The S2 cell line was obtained from the laboratory of Catherine Rabouille. S2 cells were stably transfected with pMT-FMR1-Adarcd-V5.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: The S2-Mi-2-GFP cell line was obtained from the Brehm lab.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Dr. Ylva
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Jerome Hui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Shanming Ji.
source - CCTCC (may have meant ATCC).
Cell line reported as S2-GAL4.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable S2 cell line expressing the N-terminal, primase-like domain (NTD) of mtDNA-helicase (amino acids Met1-Ala333), C-terminally tagged with His was generated.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: An S2 cell line stably expressing porcine PoIFN-delta8 was generated.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Drosophila codon optimized or deoptimized pLUC expressed under the control of various promoters.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cell lines stably expressing wild type or mutant Rdl GABA receptor genes were constructed.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells stably expressing hh-N were obtained from the laboratory of J.Jiang.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells were stably transfected with pMT-ET-V5 (to overexpress V5-tagged et protein) with or without pMT-upd1-myc (to activate the JAK/STAT pathway).
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2[Cas9] cells were obtained from the laboratory of Klaus Forstemann.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 Mettl3-KO cell lines were generated by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutatgenesis.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Dr. H. Siomi.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Dr. Kumiko Ui-Te.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Dr. N. E. Vorobyeva.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Dr. N. Vorobyeva.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Erika Geisbrecht.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Steve Cohen.
S2 cells, subclone L2-4, were obtained from the laboratory of P. Huen.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A scra- FBto0000118:mCherry S2 cell line was used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable S2 cell line expressing 3XHA-tagged Nipped-A was created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable S2 cell line was created that expresses SCAT3m a FRET-based caspase activity indicator.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: CRISPR/Cas9 used to tag endogenous Spt6 with GFP; stably transfected versions of the resulting Spt6-GFP cell line were generated with a small molecule inducible version of the geGradeFP system, a tamoxifen inducible HA-cid and/or a version of cid capable of recombination induced tag exchange (RITE).
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Clonal S2 cells harboring mutations in Dora were created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: New stable cell line derived from this cell line: CRISPR genome-edited cell lines were created carrying Sec71 mutations; the BFA-resistant M717L mutation or the BFA-hypersensitive F713Y mutation. These S2 cells were stably transfected with pMT-GalT-EGFP-T2A-tdTomato-Rab6 or pMT- GalT::EGFP-T2A-tdTomato::Rab11.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells (subclone L2-4) stably expressing DHX9-GFP were establishedS2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Philipp Zamore. The S2 subclone L2-4 was obtained from the laboratory of Patrick Heun.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells expressing FLAG-tagged deletion forms of BigH1.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell line expressing FLAG-tagged human Hsap\EZHIP under the control of the MT promoter was created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Two stable S2 cell lines were created that are knockouts for lncRNA:Vinr.
S2 cells were obtained from Expression Systems, 94-005F.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Don Rio.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of P. Zamore.
Cells obtained from RIKEN Bioresource Center.
L2-4 (S2 subclone, provided by P. Heun).
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: An inducible CRISPR/Cas9 system was developed that generates double strand breaks in the 11- to 12-base-pair (bp) dodeca satellite tandem repeats located in the chromosome 3 pericentromere.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells expressing GFP-Hsap\UTRN-CH/GFP-Tubby and mCherry-tubulin and S2 cells expressing anilllin-mCherry and GFP-Spaghetti-squash from the laboratory of Gilles Hickson were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells stably expressing a pcs construct ( myc::APEX2::Pcs ) were generated. S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Dr. Gota Goshima at Nagoya University.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines expressing tos and Su(var)205 were created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines expressing Ada2b isoform B were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines expressing polyglutamine repeats were generated.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 line expressing dCas9, dCas9-CBP (i.e., nej), dCas9-CBP F2161A, or SAM (Synergistic Activation Mediator) were created.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Alain Debec.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Erjun Ling.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of F. Feiguin.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of J.H. Kim.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Mikiko Siomi (University of Tokyo).
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of N. Silverman.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Patrick Emery.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Sebastien Carreno.
Cells obtained from ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies.
Drosophila S2 (L2-4) cells were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: GFP-alpha-tubulin expressing Drosophila S2 cells used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable cell line containing a fusion of Mis12 and human Katanin p60 to specifically localize Katanin p60 to the kinetochore was produced.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells stably expressing an inducible Tag:MYC-tagged smo transgene under the control of the metallothionein promoter (pMT-Myc-Smo) were created. S2 cells stably expressing the N-terminal fragment of hhh protein (HhN) that is active for signaling were created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells that conditionally express crc were generated. S2 cells were obtained from the J. Hirst lab.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells were stably transformed with inducible DptB tagged with Tag:polyHis.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 shams knock-out cell lines were generated.
S2 cells grown in the M. Gatti laboratory since 1997.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Linda Partridge.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Masayuki Miura.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Michael B. O'Connor (University of Minnesota).
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Michael Boutros.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Qing Zhang.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of R. Lehmann.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Sankar Maiti, IISER Kolkata, India.
S2 cells were originally from the W. Chia lab.
Male cells were L2-4 cells, a clonal, tetraploid derivative of the S2 cell line that had been selected for euploidy in the lab of Patrick Heun.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A set of three stable S2 cell lines carrying deletions that affect the upSET coding region were created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable inducible cell line expressing a catalytically inactive ClpP mutant (S214A) in which the conserved serine in the proteolytic active site was replaced with alanine was created. An inducible cell line capable of overexpressing bsf was established.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cell lines stably expressing full-length as well as N-terminal, and C-terminal mutants of Sym were created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells containing a stably integrated pMT-GAL4 construct were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable cell lines expressing GFP-Rz-His3 (Rz is the hammerhead-ribozyme-based mRNA reporter that produces nonstop mRNA fragments) or GFP-His3 were established. A stable cell line that expresses GFP-ptc-His3 under the control of the Act5C promoter was created.
S2 cells were obtained from the Henikoff laboratory.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Elizabeth Gavis.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable line containing a knockout allele of loqs was created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: An S2 cell line stably expressing Irbp18 tagged with Tag:proteinA-Tag:CS(TEVp)-Tag:FLAG was used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cell lines stably expressing extracellular cadherin domains of shg tagged with GFP or Tag:polyHis or both were created.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells stably expressing 3' UTRs from miRNA-targeted mRNAS attached to a Luciferase reporter were created. Two of the lines carry the hid 3' UTR with a wild type or mutated MRE (microRNA recognition element) for the miR-2 family. The other two carry the rpr 3' UTR with wild type or mutated MREs for mir-ban.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable Tdrd3-knockout S2 cells were generated.
S2 cells of unspecified origin.
S2 cells were obtained from the UCSF Cell Culture Facility.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of R. Vale.
S2 cells were obtained from the China Center for Type Culture Collection.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell line created expressing His-FLAG-TAP tagged Clk.
S2-NP cells were obtained from the laboratory of Norbert Perrimon.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells transformed to stably express signal sequence and V5-tagged horseradish peroxidase (ssHRP-V5) on a Cu2+-inducible promoter were used.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of R. Tanguay (Laval University).
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Robert Tanguay.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines were created expressing eyg containing a mutation in the putative motif for interaction with Su(var)205.
Cells were obtained from the laboratory of Artavanis-Tsakonas.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A line that constitutively expresses GAL4 under the tubulin promoter (S2-tub-GAL4) was used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stabel S2 cell lines expressing GFP with or without C-terminal Tag:V5-Tag:polyHis-tagged Listericin were generated. A stable S2 cell line expressing inducible PGRP-LE was used.
"S2-L4" cells were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable S2 cell line that constitutively expresses an Tag:HA-tagged Dredd variant in which the active site cysteine has been replaced with an alanine (HADreddC408A) were created. Stable S2 cell lines that constitutively express Tag:HA-tagged wild type or mutant dnr1 in which the essential RING domain active site cysteine was replaced with a tyrosine were also created (HADnr1 and HADnr1C563Y).
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: An S2 cell line stably coexpressing mTor-mCherry and GFP-alphaTub84B was generated. S2 cells stably coexpressing GFP-alphaTub84B and mRFP-mad2 were used. GFP-alphaTub84B was obtained from the laboratory of R. Vale.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: An inducible stable S2 cell line expressing an Unc104(389)-mCherry-Pex26(245-345) construct was generated. Unc104 is from C elegans and Pex is from human. Human Pex26 is used as an artificial N-terminal motor tag and residues 245-305 are sufficient to target proteins onto peroxisomes.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Inducible stable S2 cell lines were created overexpressing Gclc with in-frame Tag:V5 and Tag:polyHis.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines containing Tag:V5- and Tag:polyHis-tagged Prx5 were generated.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable cell line that expresses shg under the control of the Act5C promoter was established. Stable S2R+ cell lines expressing inducible wild type mbt (Tag:MYC-Mbt), a kinase-dead version (Tag:MYC-Mbt[T525A]) and a constitutively-activated mbt (Tag:MYC-Mbt[S492N/S521E]) were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable S2 cell line expressing poloGFP was generated as well as stable lines expressing wild type or mutant forms of polo. In addition, stable lines expressing either Map205-Tag:MYC or the phospho-mimic mutants Map205-S283D-Tag:MYC and Map205-S283E-Tag:MYC were generated.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: A stable S2 cell lines expressing both GFP-alphaTub84B and inducible CID-mCherry was generated.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: An inducible stable S2 cell line was created that expresses epitope-tagged Smn. The "TagIt" epitope consists of the first 30 amino acids of human SMN protein.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Inducible stable S2 cell lines were created expressing mtDNA-helicase, one of four deletion mutations of mtDNA-helicase, or one of eight mtDNA-helicase variants carrying the alanine substitutions K574A, R576A, Y577A, D580A, E587A, F588A, K590A, and Y595A.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Inducible stable S2 cell lines were created expressing epitope-tagged wild type or mutant Kdm4A.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells expressing GFP-tagged alphaTub84B were obtained from the Sharp laboratory (Albert Einstein).
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells stably transfected with human EGFR (S2(EGFR)) were obtained from the laboratory of David Baker.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines were generated containing inducible Tag:V5-Tag:polyHis-ort or Tag:V5-Tag:polyHis-HisCl1.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Inducible S2 cell lines were established that express GFP, GFP fused to a classic NLS (nuclear localization signal (cNLS-GFP), or GFP carrying a nuclear export signal (GFP-NES). Living cells expressing native GFP showed a homogenous distribution of the fluorescent signal. The cNLS-GFP reporter accumulates in nuclei, whereas the GFP-NES cargo localizes predominantly in the cytoplasm.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells stably expressing GFP-alphaTub84B were used.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells stably expressing GFP-tagged pav or tum under the control of the Act5C promoter were generated. In addition lines containing GFP-tagged tum with human CD8 attached or just CD8-GFP under the control of the metallothionein promoter were generated.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines were created expressing copper-inducible epitope-tagged exosome subunits to examine the subcellular distribution of exosome complex components. Stable lines were created containing the following exosome subunits; Dis3, Rrp6, Mtr3, Rrp42, Rrp4, Ski6, Rrp46, Rrp40, and Csl4.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines were created expressing GFP-tagged DCTN1-p150 or GFP-tagged alphaTub84B.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of M. Shiomi (Tokushima University).
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines were created expressing EGFP and polyQ.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines were created containing an HRE (hypoxia-inducible factor responsive element)-pLUC reporter.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable S2 cell lines were created expressing either Ecol\lacZDptA.PR or RelMtnA.EGFP.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cell lines stably transfected with various Tl constructs containing mutations at conserved residues were established.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: The PC-FH S2 cell line was created that expresses Pc protein with both Tag:FLAG epitope and Tag:polyHis at its C terminus.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: S2 cells stably expressing Rdl were used.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Thomas Bunch.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable cell lines that express the full length spi protein (designated S2:spi ) or a truncated, secreted form of spi protein (designated S2:sspi ) were created. Stable cell lines that express Egfr were created and designated S2:DER1b and S2:DER2f . The S2:DER2f cell line is a constitutive Egfr-expressing cell line that was subsequently called D2F.
New stable cell line derived from this cell line: Stable cell lines were created containing Nrg constructs. They are designated S2:pRmHa3-nrg [167] (short isoform), S2:pRmHa3-nrg [180] (long isoform), and S2:pRmHa3-nrg [GPI] (containing the first 1121 amino acids of Nrg fused to the 53 C-terminal amino acids of Fas1 containing the GPI attachment signal.
S2 cells were obtained from the laboratory of Phil Beachy.