The distribution of structural variation within the jockey elements analysed approximates a negative exponential distribution starting from the 3' end of the element. Insertion site data suggest that jockey element insertion likelihood is not affected by regions of higher or lower than average denaturation temperatures.
Used in an investigation to address the relationship between retrotransposons and retroviruses and the coadaptation of these retroelements to their host genomes. Results indicate retrotransposons are heterogeneous in contrast to retroviruses, suggesting different modes of evolution by slippage-like mechanisms.
The chromosomal distribution of a number of retrotransposons in an isolated population of D.melanogaster (from Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan) has been determined.
Element copy numbers on inversion and standard chromosomes has been determined. The copy number is significantly higher within low frequency inversions than within the corresponding standard chromosome regions.
Polymorphism of transposable elements in inbred lines has been examined: P-element, gypsy, jockey, I-element, mdg1, 412, mdg3 and 297 sites are largely stable, whereas roo and copia sites are polymorphic.
Stability of 11 transposable element families compared by Southern blotting among individuals of lines that had been subjected to 30 generations of sister sib matings. 412, roo, blood, 297, 1731 and G-element all appear stable, whereas copia, hobo, I-element, gypsy and jockey elements show instability.
The distribution of jockey elements in a number of Drosophila species has been studied. The high degree of similarity between D.melanogasterjockey and Dfun\jockey and the absence of jockey elements from other sibling species of the D.funebris group provide evidence for the horizontal transmission of jockey into D.funebris.
The distribution of structural variation within the jockey elements analysed approximates a negative exponential distribution starting from the 3' end of the element. Insertion site data suggest that jockey element insertion likelihood is not affected by regions of higher or lower than average denaturation temperatures.
Comparison of integrase/transposase domains to new elements containing the DDE signature.
jockey elements are mostly located in euchromatin.
Used in an investigation to address the relationship between retrotransposons and retroviruses and the coadaptation of these retroelements to their host genomes. Results indicate retrotransposons are heterogeneous in contrast to retroviruses, suggesting different modes of evolution by slippage-like mechanisms.
One of a class of genes with TATA-less promoters that have the conserved DPE sequence.
The chromosomal distribution of a number of retrotransposons in an isolated population of D.melanogaster (from Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan) has been determined.
Estimating the genomic numbers of transposable elements demonstrates many families of element are over-represented in heterochromatin.
Element copy numbers on inversion and standard chromosomes has been determined. The copy number is significantly higher within low frequency inversions than within the corresponding standard chromosome regions.
Polymorphism of transposable elements in inbred lines has been examined: P-element, gypsy, jockey, I-element, mdg1, 412, mdg3 and 297 sites are largely stable, whereas roo and copia sites are polymorphic.
A plasmid containing a minimal jockey promoter has been used in in vitro transcription assays to study TfIIB activity.
Stability of 11 transposable element families compared by Southern blotting among individuals of lines that had been subjected to 30 generations of sister sib matings. 412, roo, blood, 297, 1731 and G-element all appear stable, whereas copia, hobo, I-element, gypsy and jockey elements show instability.
The distribution of jockey elements in a number of Drosophila species has been studied. The high degree of similarity between D.melanogaster jockey and Dfun\jockey and the absence of jockey elements from other sibling species of the D.funebris group provide evidence for the horizontal transmission of jockey into D.funebris.
jockey elements are transcribed in tissue culture cells using an internal RNApolII promoter.
The genome contains several jockey elements that are deleted internally.