Many people consider "gypsy" to be a pejorative term. "mdg4-12" is the most appropriate synonym to use for this transposon if one wishes to avoid "gypsy12". The "gypsy" name has been retained by FlyBase as efforts are made to change the transposon family name across all eukaryotes.
The withdrawn annotation CG17702 (which was also transiently named CG40220 in release 3 of the genome annotation) corresponded to an insertion of the gypsy12 transposable element.
Many people consider "gypsy" to be a pejorative term. "mdg4-12" is the most appropriate synonym to use for this transposon if one wishes to avoid "gypsy12". The "gypsy" name has been retained by FlyBase as efforts are made to change the transposon family name across all eukaryotes.
The withdrawn annotation CG17702 (which was also transiently named CG40220 in release 3 of the genome annotation) corresponded to an insertion of the gypsy12 transposable element.
The withdrawn annotation CG40342 corresponded to an insertion of the gypsy12 transposable element.