Drives expression in presumptive distal structures in imaginal discs, including the presumptive tarsal segments of leg discs, the presumptive wing margin, the presumptive second and third segments and arista of the antennal disc, and distal structures of male and female genital discs.
Comparing ScerGAL4Dll-md23 with anti-Dll staining shows that the Gal4 driver faithfully recapitulates Dll expression with two exceptions: (1) the embryonic ventral nerve cord glia that express Dll lack ScerGAL4Dll-md23 expression; and (2) several cells in thebrain that express Dll, also lack ScerGAL4Dll-md23 expression.
Dll reporter is expressed in a small population of neurons located at the most proximal part of the outer optic lobe (neurons generated by the oldest neuroblasts to have emerged from the neuroepithelium) but not in the neuroblasts themselves. Expression persists in pupae.
ScerGAL4Dll-md23 drives expression in 20% of cells in the medulla cortex and medulla rim. Neurons in the medulla rim have processes in the lamina. Cells labeled with ScerGAL4Dll-md23 do not overlap with cells expressing EcollacZap-rK568 or ScerGAL4ey-OK107.
Reporter expression was used to trace the movement of wing primordial cells in the embryo. In embryonic stages 12-14, expressing cell clusters in each thoracic segment extend in the dorsoventral direction. By stage 15, wing and haltere cells are well separated from leg primordia. A dorsal cluster of expressing cells is also observed in the prothoracic segment.
Larval expression is observed in the genital and anal primordia of the male and female genital discs. Adult expression is observed in the vaginal plates in females, in the claspers in males, and in the anal plates of both sexes.
Assayed in adult cuticle using y+ marker. Expressed in distal portions of leg, wing, and antenna; expression in femur relatively weak.
Expression in distal portions of leg and antenna; along dorsal/ventral boundary of wing. Observed as adult y+ phenotype; expression assumed to be earlier.
Isolated using P{UAS-y.C} adult cuticle patterning screen; see FBrf0090484.