Drives wing disc expression in the wing hinge primordium and the mesothoracic tergum primordium (presumptive notum). Also drives expression in a subset of olfactory sensory and projection neurons.
ScerGAL4tsh-md621 drives expression in the wing hinge primordium and in the mesothoracic tergum primordium (presumptive notum).
ScerGAL4tsh-md621 drives expression in the region of the male genital disc corresponding to abdominal segment 8.
ScerGAL4tsh-md621 drives expression in the A8 segment of the male genital disc.
ScerGAL4tsh-md621 drives expression in the wing hinge primordium and in the mesothoracic tergum primordium (presumptive notum; expression is driven in both the disc proper, and in the peripodial epithelium.
ScerGAL4tsh-md621 is expressed in peripodial cells of the wing disc, but is repressed in columnar epithelial cells of the presumptive wing blade.
Expression in imaginal discs and embryos consistent with that of the tsh gene.
Isolated using P{UAS-y.C} adult cuticle patterning screen; see FBrf0090484.