Comment: Expression is in a subset of 4 anterior mushroom body neuroblasts.
Comment: Authors refer to the alpha'-lobe as the 'delta lobe'.
Comment: Authors refer to gamma-lobe exit (MB output) neurons.
Drives expression in the mushroom body. Drives expression in mushroom body neuroblasts from embryonic stage 14.
Expression becomes prominent at embryonic stage 14 in a subset of 4 mushroom body neuroblasts
ScerGAL4238Y expresses within a group of neurons connecting the tip of the gamma-lobe to the rostral area of the medial protocerebrum.
Alpha-lobe and beta-lobe expression of ScerGAL4238Y is extensive in early- and late-pupal and adult stages, but restricted in the mid-pupal stage.
Embryonic expression is observed in two of the four mushroom body neuroblasts and in their Kenyon cell progeny. Larval expression is observed in two Kenyon cell clusters, in the calyx, in the cap and ring of the α and α' lobes, in the β and γ lobes, and the in the circumference of the pedunculus of the mushroom body.
Expression in adult brain primarily in corpora pedunculata (mushroom body).