Comment: Authors refer to the alpha'-lobe as the 'delta lobe'.
Drives expression in the mushroom body and mushroom body neurons.
Expression is found in only a few alpha'/beta' neurons.
Adult expression is observed weakly in a subset of antennal glomeruli, and more strongly in fibers in the antennomechanosensory tract, subsets of Kenyon cells in the lobes, calyx, and peduncle of the mushroom body, and in the central part of the median bundle. The ellipsoid body is labeled in most domains, possibly from R1 and R4 type ring neurons. A middle layer of the fan-shaped body is faintly labeled from a lateral type large field tangential neuron. Representative images can be seen Figures 4 and 5 of FBrf0127414.
Expression is highest in the mushroom bodies, but is generally widespread.
ScerGAL4c747 expresses within a group of neurons connecting the tip of the gamma-lobe to the rostral area of the medial protocerebrum. It also expresses extensively throughout the adult central brain neuropil.
In late third instar larva, expressed in discrete spots in wing and legs discs; expressed in central brain and ventral ganglion.
Expression in adult brain primarily in corpora pedunculata (mushroom body).