Insertion lines from this collection were mapped and assessed for inclusion in the Gene Disruption Project collection; flanking sequence data were submitted to GenBank.
A set of transgenic insertion stocks derived by TE mobilization using the P-element construct P{EP}. The P{EP} construct construct carries a w+mC mini-white visible marker, Scer\UAS binding sites for the Scer\GAL4 transcriptional regulator, and bacterial sequences that allow plasmid rescue. The GAL4-UAS system allows regulated expression of genes proximate to the site of the insertion: genes properly oriented with respect to the Scer\UAS sequences can be conditionally expressed via transgene-derived Scer\GAL4 activity.
Third instar larvae expressing P{EP}EP1595EP1595 under the control of Scer\GAL4Pxn.PS have a normal number of sessile hemocytes. The number of hemocytes in circulation is also similar to wild type. The dorsal sessile hemocyte department is slightly disrupted. Sessile hemocytes accumulate along the dorsal vessel but do not spread through the cuticle. The lymph gland is enlarged. Hemocyte shape is normal.
Location X:13824640-13824641 confirmed by FlyBase alignment of dbGSS accession AQ025524 to D. melanogaster arm Release_4 and heterochromatin Release_3.2b. Insertion orientation confirmed.
insertion of mobile activating element