Additional P{EPgy2} insertion lines were generated, mapped, and assessed for inclusion in the Gene Disruption Project collection; flanking sequence data were submitted to GenBank.
A set of transgenic insertion stocks derived by TE mobilization using the P-element construct P{EPgy2}; created and vetted by the Gene Disruption Project (GDP). The P{EPgy2} construct carries two visible markers, the mini-white marker w+mC and the mini-yellow marker y+mDint2, and Scer\UAS binding sites for the Scer\GAL4 transcriptional regulator. The GAL4-UAS system allows regulated expression of genes proximate to the site of the insertion: genes properly oriented with respect to the Scer\UAS sequences can be conditionally expressed via transgene-derived Scer\GAL4 activity.
Location 3L:11793683-11793684 confirmed by FlyBase alignment of dbGSS accession BZ665486 to D. melanogaster arm Release_4 and heterochromatin Release_3.2b. Insertion orientation revised.