Additional lines created; use of a high-throughput embryo sorter allowed screening of very large numbers of animals for GFP-expressing protein trap insertions.
A set of transgenic insertion stocks derived by TE mobilization using the protein-trap constructs P{PTT-GA}, P{PTT-GB}, and P{PTT-GC}. The constructs carry a w+mC mini-white visible marker and an Avic\GFP vital fluorescent protein-trap marker. In each of the three constructs, the splice acceptor and splice donor consensus sequences are in a different reading frame relative to the Avic\GFP sequence. For a successful GFP-positive insertion into an intron of a protein-coding gene, translation results in a fusion of the GFP to both the amino- and carboxyl-terminal parts of the trapped protein.
Insertion maps to AE003427, sense orientation with respect to scaffold, insertion point 46536.