A set of transgenic insertion stocks derived by TE mobilization using the P-element construct P{GawB}. The P{GawB} construct carries a w+mW.hs mini-white visible marker and Scer\GAL4 driver/enhancer trap sequences. The GAL4-UAS system is a binary system using Scer\GAL4, a yeast transcription activator protein gene, and Scer\UAS, the DNA binding site for the GAL4 protein. The P{GawB} construct acts as an enhancer trap: expression of the GAL4 is sensitive to enhancers in the genomic region of an insertion. When paired with a construct or insertion carrying a reporter gene downstream of Scer\UAS, the reporter gene is driven by and reflects the expression of the GAL4.
ScerGAL4NP7273 drives expression in one adult multiglomerular antennal lobe projection neuron. Its cell body is located in the lateral part of the antennal lobe and it innervates antennal lobe glomeruli V, VC3l, VL1, VC5, VP1, VP2, VP3 and the antennal lobe hub.
Location X:11587563-11587564 refined by FlyBase alignment of dbGSS accession AG216131 to D. melanogaster arm Release_4 and heterochromatin Release_3.2b. Insertion orientation revised.