PBac{WH} insertion lines from Exelixis were remapped and assessed for inclusion in the Gene Disruption Project collection; flanking sequence data were submitted to GenBank.
A set of transgenic insertion stocks derived by TE mobilization using the Tni\piggyBac-based construct PBac{WH}. The PBac{WH} construct carries the w+mC mini-white marker, a single long (199-bp) Scer\FRT site, and a terminal Scer\UAS site for Scer\GAL4-driven misexpression of adjacent genes. The FRT site allows Scer\FLP-mediated recombination between other FRT-containing elements, and thus can be used to generate molecularly defined deletions.
Exelixis, Inc. determined the insertion site of PBac{WH}f02443 to be at Release 3 genomic coordinate 21972099 on arm 2L.