Drives expression in neurons of the fan-shaped body and mushroom body, including the mushroom body pedunculus-medial lobe arborizing neuron 1 and MB-AMP neuron of the dopaminergic PPL1 cluster
ScerGAL4c061 drives expression in two MB-MP1 and one MB-AMP neurons of the dopaminergic PPL1 cluster.
Using GFP reconstitution across synaptic partners (GRASP) in MB-MP1 dopaminergic neurons labelled by ScerGAL4c061 and octopaminergic neurons labelled by ScerGAL4Tdc2.PC, reveals expression of GFP in the anterior medial protocerebrum and in the mushroom body heel.
ScerGAL4c061 drives expression in neurons of the dorsal protocerebrum, mushroom body and fan-shaped body.