A set of transgenic insertion stocks derived by TE mobilization using one of the hybrid Tni\piggyBac-P-element protein-trap constructs PBac{566.P.SVS-1}, PBac{602.P.SVS-1}, PBac{681.P.FSVS-1}, PBac{754.P.FSVS-0}, PBac{802.P.SVS-2}, PBac{803.P.SVS-0}, or PBac{810.P.FSVS-2}. The constructs carry a w+mC mini-white visible marker and a Strep-tagged Avic\GFP vital fluorescent protein-trap marker (using the Venus YFP variant of GFP); P-element termini are nested inside PBac termini. The frame used for the splice acceptor and splice donor consensus sequences relative to the Avic\GFP sequence is indicated by 0, 1, or 2 in the construct symbol.
Comment: expression heightened in some areas and major tracts and lowered in ellipsoid body and fan-shaped body