ScerGAL4E49 is expressed in about 50 neurons in the adult brain and some in the thoracico-abdominal ganglion. These cells seem to be interneurons, some with descending or ascending processes connecting the brain and the thoracico-abdominal ganglion. In the brain, it is very strongly expressed in about 20 cells in the subesophageal ganglion, with one of these being a motor neuron that fasciculates with the pharyngeal nerve and synapses with the muscle protactor of the rostrum. Using GFP reconstitution across synaptic partners (GRASP) no contacts were observed between the ScerGAL4E49 neurons and the sugar-sensitive neurons of gustatory sensilla.
ScerGAL4E49 is expressed in a subset of gustatory receptor neurons, non-sensory neurons of the subesophageal ganglion and in other neurons outside of this region.