ScerGAL4TrpA1-CD-G4 drives expression under control of the promoter for the TrpA1-RG, TrpA1-RHand TrpA1-RK (TrpA1-C and TrpA1-D; upstream promoter) isoforms.
Positive GRASP (GFP reconstitution across synaptic partners) signals between class IV dendritic arborizing neurons labelled with ScerGAL4TrpA1-CD-G4 and larval TrpA1 neurons labelled with EcollexATrpA1-AB-lexA were observed.
ScerGAL4TrpA1-CD-G4 drives expression in class IV dendritic arborizing neurons and larval abdominal sensillum neurons in the body wall that extend axons to the ventral nerve cord.