Drives expression in neuroepithelial cells in the larval optic anlage, in the peripodial epithelium of imaginal discs, and in oocyte associated follicle cells.
ScerGAL4C855a drives expression from the end of the first instar onwards in the neuroepithelial cells of the outer optic anlage (OPC), and in lamina precursor cells.
During oogenesis, ScerGAL4C855a drives expression in posterior terminal cells at oogenesis stage 9-10, and in oocyte associated follicle cells (columnar cells) at stage 10. In the male reproductive tract, ScerGAL4C855a drives expression in the seminal vesicle and the testis sheath muscle. At larval stages, ScerGAL4C855a drives expression in the optic lobes, the brain, in a wide region of the wing disc centered on the A/P boundary, and in the peripodial epithelium of the eye and leg discs.