Cp15 derivative tagged with Ecol\lacZ sequences to allow quantitation of transcription and amplification.
Same 3.8kb SalI fragment that includes Cp15ch1, tagged with 3.1kb fragment encoding Ecol\lacZ sequences.
construct_comment: P{S6.9A}, P{S6.9B}, P{S6.9C}, or P{S6.9D} not specified which. (Cp15 allele designation in name is arbitrarily that for P{S6.9A}.) DNA amplification observed for 6 out of 10 lines tested.
construct_comment: One of a series of constructs used to define sequences required for DNA amplification (ACE3).
construct_comment: Pooled results: 6 out of 11 lines exhibit DNA amplification.
construct_comment: P{S6.9A}, P{S6.9B}, P{S6.9C}, or P{S6.9D} not specified which. (Cp15 allele designation in name is arbitrarily that for P{S6.9A}.) DNA amplification observed for 6 out of 10 lines tested.
construct_comment: One of a series of constructs used to define sequences required for DNA amplification (ACE3).
construct_comment: Pooled results: 6 out of 11 lines exhibit DNA amplification.