EcollacZvg.int2.1 transcript is expressed starting at the beginning of the second larval instar in the wing disc. EcollacZvg.int2.1 expression is observed along the D/V boundary of the wing disc, as well as along the part of the A/P boundary that lies within the wing pouch.
Expression restricted to a stripe of cells spanning the dorsal/ventral boundary in the wing and haltere discs. No expression observed in any other larval or embryonic tissues. Earliest expression in second instar wing disc is weak and diffuse; by late second instar has resolved into a broad stripe along the D/V boundary.
construct_comment: One of a series of reporter constructs testing vg intronic enhancer elements (using Hsp70 promoter).
report comment: Contains the vg D/V boundary enhancer, including binding site of the su(H) protein.