Drives expression in female germline stem cells at all developmental stages. Commonly used together with Scer\GAL4nanos.PG and Scer\GAL4VP16.otu to form a combination referred to as the "maternal triple driver" (MTD-GAL4).
Expression is observed in female germline stem cells at all stages and at a high level..
On the basis of expression of P{UAS-lacZ.B} target construct, early expression is detected in posterior somatic cells, but not in pole cells. Posterior expression exhibits a posterior-to-anterior concentration gradient. Expression of P{UAS-lacZ.B} in germ cells is not detected until stage 9.
In the early embryo, ScerGAL4nos.UTR.T:HsimVP16 RNA detected in pole cells and subsequently in germ cells. However, expression ofthe GAL4::VP16-responsive target construct, P{UAS-lacZ.B}, differs. Early expression is detected in posterior somatic cells, but not in pole cells. Expression of P{UAS-lacZ.B} in germ cells is not detected until stage 9.
construct_comment: Progenitors are those of the plasmid, pP{ GAL4::VP16-nos.UTR }.
construct_comment: Identical to P{GAL4-nos.UTR}, except GAL4::VP16 used in place of GAL4. GAL4::VP16 is a much more potent activator than GAL4 (too good for some applications).
report comment: 5.1kb insert includes the nanos promoter and 5\' and 3\' UTR\'s.