Comment: strong expression
Comment: strong expression
Comment: strong expression
Comment: faint expression
Drives expression in cholinergic neurons in larvae and adults.
ScerGAL4ChAT.7.4 and ScerGAL4S3.Hug drive expression in larval Hugin neuron of the protocerebrum, larval Hugin neuron of the ventral nerve cord, larval Hugin neuron of the ventral nerve cord as well as, weakly, larval Hugin neuron of the corpus cardiacum.
ScerGAL4ChAT.7.4 colocalizes with eve in EL neurons.
ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 labels a subset of neurons in the lamina, medulla, lobula and lobula plate. The labelled cells include: Tm1, Tm2, Tm4, Tm4a, Tm7, Tm8, Tm11, Tm12, Tm15, Tm22, Tm24, TmY2, TmY5, TmY9, TmY10, TmY11, TmY12, Mi2, Mi7, Mi11, Pm1, Pm1a, Mt4, Mt10, T2, T4, Tlp2, Tlp3, Lcn1, Lcn2, Lt6, Tm new 1, Tm new 2, Tm new 3, T new 1, mY new 1, Mt new 1, Mi new 1, Mi new 2, Mi new 3, Lcn new 1, Loi new 1 and lpi new 1.
ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 drives expression in the Rh5 and Rh6 photoreceptors of Bolwig organ in the larval optic neuropil.
Expression in the midgut is found in a distinct group of Dh31-expressing enteroendocrine cells located at the junction region of the anterior midgut and the acid-secreting portion of the larval midgut. This junction region occurs at a conspicuous and characteristic U-shaped bend in the gut. These are referred to as the "midgut junction Dh31-expressing cells". There is no overlap in expression between this marker and ChAT expression in the midgut.
ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 labels at least four LNd neurons and the Pdf negative s-LNv neuron. The four LNd neurons are also labeled by expression of per protein. Two of these four LNd neurons also co-express sNPF protein.
Most of the ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 expressing neurons do not colocalize with sNPF protein in the adult. However, there is colocalization in a subset of columnar neurons at the ventral base of the optic lobe with dense termination sites in the lateral protocerebrum.
Expression of ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 is limited to the ventral part of the ventral nerve cord.
In adults, ScerGAL4VGlut-OK371 drives expression in thin neurites that innervate the beta gamma lobes, especially in the anterior region of the latter, and in the neuropils surrounding the lobes and peduncle. Co-localisation with sNPF protein is observed in a small number of cell bodies throughout the brain and in the neuronal axon tract anterior to the beta and gamma lobes. Larval expression was similar to the one in adults, with additional expression in processes that terminate in the calyx or that surround the dorsal tip of the vertical lobe.
ScerGAL4ChAT.7.4 drives expression in cholinergic neurons from the onset of synaptogenesis.