Comment: in 10-50% of examined hemisegments
Comment: in 10-50% of examined hemisegments
Drives expression in predominantly in reticular neuropil associated glial cells (astrocytes), with some expression in cortex and ensheathing glial cells.
ScerGAL4Eaat1.PR drives expression in the same glial cells as EcollexAGMR75H11, although slightly more in number.
ScerGAL4Eaat1.PR labels neurons that have their cell bodies in the anterior and posterior of the medulla cortex. They send axons into the lamina neuropil via the optic chiasm, and some fibers are also seen in the medulla neuropil.
ScerGAL4Eaat1.PR transcript is expressed in almost all of the the longitudinal (interface) glial cells where it is co-expressed AvicGFPCG31235.T:nls-tra. The majority of the cells labeled with ScerGAL4Eaat1.PR co-express pros, which marks the six anterior longitudinal glial cells. ScerGAL4Eaat1.PR is expressed in the glial membrane projections in the ventral nerve cord, adjacent to VGlut1 puncta.
ScerGAL4Eaat1.PR drives expression in the glial processes that wrap the motor axons in the adult neuromuscular junction.