Drives expression in a subset of dopaminergic protocerebral anterior medial (PAM) neurons.
ScerGAL4GMR58E02 drives expression in ple positive larval dopaminergic pPAM neurons. Expression in larval dopaminergic pPAM2 neuron is stochastic and very rare.
ScerGAL4GMR58E02 drives expression in mushroom body extrinsic neurons that innervate mushroom body gamma lobe slices 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, mushroom body beta lobe slices 1 and 2, mushroom body beta' lobe slices 1 and 2 and mushroom body alpha lobe slice 1. Expression partially overlaps with that driven by EcollexAGMR24E12 in 13 dopaminergic PAM neurons 13 and 14.
ScerGAL4GMR58E02 labels ~90 dopaminergic PAM neurons that innervate the medial lobe of the adult mushroom body.
ScerGAL4GMR58E02 expression found in around 80% of dopaminergic PAM neurons. Labeled neurons project to mushroom body medial lobe.
ScerGAL4GMR58E02 labels dopaminergic PAM neurons that innervate the alpha/beta surface Kenyon cells and alpha/beta core Kenyon cells.
ScerGAL4GMR58E02 drives expression in DAT positive dopaminergic PAM neurons as well as adult optic lobe glial cells.