ScerGAL4Ir76b.916 drives expression in ~24 S cells in metathoracic tarsal segment 5 and ~11 in metathoracic tarsal segment 3. The remaining metathoracic leg tarsal segments show sex specific differences, with tarsal segment 4 having ~14 neurons in females and ~22 in males, while tarsal segment 2 has ~10 in females and ~15 in males. Expression near completely overlaps with that of ScerGAL4Ir76b.1.5, except that ScerGAL4Ir76b.916 does not label L1 GRNs in the labellar taste bristles, some cells in the labellum nor axonal projections in the adult subesophageal zone that are labelled by the former.
ScerGAL4Ir76b.916 is expressed in the neurons that innervate the antennal coeloconic sensillum ac1-a4 and in the antennal lobe glomeruli VM1, VM4, VC3 and VC5.