Genomic fragment containing slam expressed under its own regulatory sequences. 12 copies of the Tag:PP7 stem loop sequence have been inserted towards the 3' end of the coding sequence, at position 3460. Six copies of the Tag:MS2 stem loop have been inserted into the 3'UTR. The Tag:PP7 stem loop RNA sequence can be specifically bound by the Tag:PCP protein. The Tag:PP7 sequence is also translatable. These properties allows this construct to be used as a reporter of slam translation in vivo: prior to translation, the mRNA can be bound by a reporter protein with a functional readout (such as fluorescence, bioluminescence or enzymatic activity) containing Tag:PCP, but during the first round of translation, this reporter protein is knocked off the mRNA by the ribosome. The resulting change in the functional readout of the reporter can be used to study the dynamics of translation.