Deletion of about 1kb within the gl locus.
Deletion of about 1kb from within a XhoI-HindIII fragment.
In contrast to wild-type, gl2 mutants fail to exhibit any light-dependent temperature preference.
Mutant flies maintain a high level of activity in an open field arena over the full 10-minute assay (wild-type flies show a decay in locomotor activity over time in this assay).
The precursors of the corpus cardiacum and Bolwig's organ are reduced in number in stage 12 mutant embryos (this phenotype is a dominant effect). At stage 16, the corpus cardiacum is missing in mutant embryos, although the corpus allatum and stomatogastric nervous system are normal.
Homozygous larvae disperse randomly among illuminated and dark quadrants of a petri plate in a visual assay (as do wild-type larvae).
Displays locomotor activity rhythm with an approximately 24h period.
Despite the absence of Bolwig's nerve, bsh expression is normal.
Bolwig's nerves are absent in third larval instar. In place of the normal Bolwig's organ is a loosely clustered group of abnormal neurons with random axonal projections.
Malpighian tubule colour: wild-type.
Cephalic complex smaller than wild type at 36 hr after hatching (27oC); growth rate subsequently normal.
R.L. King, 1927.
Strong gl allele.
No interaction with P{sev-svp1} or P{sev-svp2} exists.