FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\mys8
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
mysnj42, mysnj, nj42
Key Links
Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

May contain regulatory mutation as lesion not found within exons or splice sites of mys.

Indistinguishable from wild type on Southern blot. Immunoblots indicate Ī²PS protein levels are comparable to wild type (within a factor of two).

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

10% of mutant males show wing blisters.

Hub cells fail to localise to the apical tip of the testis in homozygous males.

Avoidance of benzaldehyde is blunted in mutant animals compared to wild type.

mysts1/mys8 and mysts2/mys8 flies show normal odour avoidance behaviour.

0.3% of hemizygous mutant wings show a wing blister phenotype.

mys8 larvae show a reduced olfactory response to isoamyl acetate and n-butanol, but are unaffected in their response to ethyl acetate and benzaldehyde. mys8/mysolfC-A459.1F1 flies survive and show no defect in jumping ability. They show a reduced olfactory response to isoamyl acetate but respond normally to ethyl acetate.

Some venation abnormalities are seen in homozygous mutant adults. mys8/Y flies have a low frequency of wing blisters (=<10%).

2% of hemizygous males have wing blisters.

Wing blisters are seen in approximately 5-10% of hemizygotes, and approximately 30-50% of hemizygotes have held-out wings.

Retinal development begins to break down at 55% of pupal life: one half of the R8's cell bodies have fallen though the retinal floor coming to lie underneath the cone cell plate, interrupting cone cell plate contacts. By 67% of pupal life the pigment cell feet have pulled away from the grommet extracellular membrane, opening holes around the cone cell plate. By the adult stage the retinal floor is completely disrupted. Rhabdomeres buckle. Temperature shift experiments reveal that the mys function is required during cone cell plate formation.

Wings are held out at an angle of 90o to the body, when flies are reared at 29oC.

mysxR04/mys8 flies die at 25oC but survive at 18oC, and have inflated or blistered wings and often show a gap between the pigment cell feet constituting the fenestrated membrane and the layer of pigmented subretinal cells found below the basement membrane. The viable mys8 adults have held-out wings, a phenotype which is enhanced at 29oC. mys8 males have blistered wings.

Homozygotes can survive at 18oC, but their number decreases gradually as the rearing temperature is raised to 28oC where none survive.

Homozygous wing is wild type in appearance but sometimes held abnormally away from the body due to severe wasting of the mesothoracic and metathoracic tergotrochanteral muscles. This phenotype is enhanced in heterozygotes. In combination with Df(1)C128 wings display morphogenetic defects, wing blisters, the formation of extra crossveins between L2 and L3 and abnormal 'delta' thickenings at vein intersections. Heterozygotes with mysxR04 are lethal. Double hemizygous and homozygous mutants with mysxR04 are lethal.

Homozygotes show no jumping response and severe muscular defects.

adults survive as nonjumpers

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by bsV100/bs[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by puri[+]/puriV4

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by moa[+]/jbugV50

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by auk2R-4/auk[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by stck[+]/stck3R-17

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by bub2L-2/bub[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by 2R-F[+]/2R-F2R-22

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by 2R-L[+]/2R-L84-2

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by aukunspecified/auk[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by shot65-2/shot[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by bs[+]/bs2R-19

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by bs[+]/bsunspecified

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by shotunspecified/shot[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by blo[+]/blounspecified

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by kiwiunspecified/kiwi[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by mamunspecified/mam[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by pio[+]/piounspecified

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by rhea[+]/rhea1

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by rhea[+]/rhea2

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by stck[+]/stckunspecified

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by blo2R-17/blo[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by kiwi2R-3/kiwi[+]

mys8 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by pio[+]/pio2R-16

mys8/mysG has visible phenotype, enhanceable by bs[+]/bsunspecified

Enhancer of

mys8/mys[+] is an enhancer of visible | female phenotype of FakUAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4en-e16E

mys8/mys[+] is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of sogEP7

mys8/mys8 is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of sogEP7

mys8/mys[+] is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of sogEP11

mys8/mys8 is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of sogEP11

Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

mys8 has hub cell phenotype, enhanceable by Lasp[+]/Lasp1

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by wb[+]/wb4Y18

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by crolk08217

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by EcRC300Y

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by EcRM554fs

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by crol3ex5

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by bsV100/bs[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by puri[+]/puriV4

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by moa[+]/jbugV50

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by auk2R-4/auk[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by stck[+]/stck3R-17

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by bub2L-2/bub[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by 2R-F[+]/2R-F2R-22

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by 2R-L[+]/2R-L84-2

mys8 has phenotype, enhanceable by Deltaunspecified

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by aukunspecified/auk[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by bs[+]/bs2R-19

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by bs[+]/bsunspecified

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by shotunspecified/shot[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by blo[+]/blounspecified

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by shot65-2/shot[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by kiwiunspecified/kiwi[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by mamunspecified/mam[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by pio[+]/piounspecified

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by rhea[+]/rhea1

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by rhea[+]/rhea2

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by stck[+]/stckunspecified

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by blo2R-17/blo[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by kiwi2R-3/kiwi[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by pio[+]/pio2R-16

mys8/mysG has wing phenotype, enhanceable by bs[+]/bsunspecified

mys8 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by if3

NOT Enhanced by

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by LanA9-32/LanA[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by crol04418

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by crol06470

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by aukV106/auk[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by auk[+]/aukV162

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by blo[+]/bloV134

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by bloV99/blo[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by bs[+]/bsV121

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by cassE44/cass[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by shotV104/shot[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by shot[+]/shotV167

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by jbugV88/moa[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by puri[+]/puriV15

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by pyg[+]/pygE16

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by pygE50/pyg[+]

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by how[+]/howT1

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by how[+]/howT90

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by tak[+]/takV27

mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by takV42/tak[+]

mys11/mys8 has wing phenotype, non-enhanceable by pot[+]/potP3

Enhancer of

mys8/mys[+] is an enhancer of wing | female phenotype of FakUAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4en-e16E

mys8/mys[+] is an enhancer of wing vein phenotype of sogEP7

mys8/mys8 is an enhancer of wing vein phenotype of sogEP7

mys8/mys[+] is an enhancer of wing vein phenotype of sogEP11

mys8/mys8 is an enhancer of wing vein phenotype of sogEP11

mys8 is an enhancer of phenotype of bsunspecified

mys8 is an enhancer of wing phenotype of if3

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The frequency of wing blisters seen in mys8/Y flies is increased to 54% if they are also expressing tncdsRNA.Scer\UAS.cFa under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI, and the overall frequency of wing defects is increased to 68%.

mys8 ; Lasp1/+ males show a stronger hub cell mislocalisation phenotype than mys8 males. The double mutant males have wild-type fertility.

The penetrance of the wing blistering phenotype seen in females expressing Fak56DScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E at 25oC is increased from 28% to 44% if they are carrying mys8/+. Males expressing Fak56DScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E at 25oC and hemizygous for mys8 show 31% wing blistering (compared to 0% wing blistering in a mys+ background).

The addition of wb4Y18/+ to mys8 hemizygotes enhances the wing blister phenotype, so that 28% of wings show a blistering phenotype. The addition of LanA9-32 does not enhance this phenotype.

The addition of crol04418, crol06470 does not enhance the wing blistering phenotype of mys8/Y flies. The addition of crolk08217 does enhance the wing blistering phenotype of mys8/Y flies by 3 fold. The addition of crol3ex5 enhances the wing blistering phenotype of mys8/Y flies by about 50%. This is significantly less than the enhancement seen by crolk08217. The addition of EcRC300Y or EcRM554fs enhances the wing blistering phenotype of mys8/Y flies by about three or four-fold respectively. The amount of balloon wings is increased several fold in both cases.

The frequency of wing blisters in mys8 hemizygotes is dominantly enhanced by bsV100, cassE48, puriV4 or moaV50. The frequency of wing blisters in mys8 hemizygotes is not dominantly enhanced by pygE16, pygE50, shotV104, shotV167, takV27, takV42, aukV106, aukV162, howT1, howT90, bsV121, cassE44, puriV15, bloV99, bloV134 or moaV88. The frequency of wing blisters seen in mys11/mys8 flies is not dominantly enhanced by potP3.

The frequency of wing blisters of mys8 hemizygotes is slightly increased (to approximately 20%) if the flies are also heterozygous for aukunspecified, auk2R-4, shotunspecified, shot65-2, blounspecified, blo2R-17, kiwiunspecified, kiwi2R-3, mamunspecified or 2R-L84-2, moderately increased (to approximately 40%) if the flies are also heterozygous for bub2L-2, and strongly increased if the flies are also heterozygous for bsunspecified, rhea2 or rhea1. The frequency of the wings held-out phenotype is enhanced if the flies are also heterozygous for stckunspecified, stck3R-17, rhea1, rhea2, pio2R-16 or piounspecified. Shows a weak genetic interaction with Dlunspecified.

Individuals in combination with cnomis1 exhibit incomplete lethality, few escapers have normal wings or an extra wing vein phenotype.

Enhances the blister but not vein phenotype of bs mutations.

Double mutants with mys8 have wing blister phenotype.

The held-out wing phenotype of mys8/mysG flies is dominantly enhanced by bsunspecified.

Double hemizygous and homozygous mutants with if3 display an extreme wing phenotype, wings are folded and unexpanded, veins and aberrant crossveins can be seen.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by

mys8 is partially rescued by mystZa

mys8 is partially rescued by mysrFFA

mys8 is partially rescued by mysrDEA

mys8 is partially rescued by mys4B

mys8 is partially rescued by mystZa

mys8 is partially rescued by mys4A

Not rescued by

mys8 is not rescued by myst2

mys8 is not rescued by myst1


mys8 fails to complement the isoamyl acetate olfactory response phenotype seen in mysolfC-x3, mysolfC-x5, mysolfC-x10 and mysolfC-x17.

The if3/mys8 wing blister phenotype can be rescued by a mys+ transgene.

The held-out wing phenotype and blistered wing phenotype of males are rescued by mys4A, mys4B and mystZa.

Images (0)
Stocks (0)
Notes on Origin

Altered PSĪ² protein.

Double heterozygotes of LanA7-5/+ and mys8/+ indicated no interaction of the mutations.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (7)
References (30)