FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\peb1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
Key Links
Allele class
    Nature of the Allele
    Allele class
    Progenitor genotype
    Mutations Mapped to the Genome
    Curation Data
    Additional Notes
    Variant Molecular Consequences
    Associated Sequence Data
    DNA sequence
    Protein sequence
    Expression Data
    Reporter Expression
    Additional Information
    Marker for
    Reflects expression of
    Reporter construct used in assay
    Human Disease Associations
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Disease-implicated variant(s)
    Phenotypic Data
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Detailed Description

    peb1/pebhnt-1 and peb1/pebEH704a transheterozygous egg chambers show a significant decrease in follicle rupture (ex vivo, octopamine-treated egg chambers), as compared to peb1 heterozygous controls.

    peb1/Y flies raised at the restrictive temperature have a rough eye phenotype, due to disorganisation of the facets.

    Homozygotes raised at the restrictive temperature have a rough eye phenotype due to disorganisation of the facets. 2.8% of ommatidia are fused. Many ommatidia are missing photoreceptor cells; 43% lack outer cells, 1% lack central cells and 11% lack central and outer cells. 12% of ommatidia have extra photoreceptor cells. The eye bristles are sometimes mispositioned and show a variation in size not seen in wild type. The temperature sensitive period for external eye roughness spans from the mid-third instar to early pupal stages. 4.2% of photoreceptor cells have enlarged rhabdomeres. 22% of ommatidial preclusters from larvae raised at the restrictive temperature have missing gl-expressing cells, 30% have displaced gl-expressing cells and 17% have additional posterior gl-expressing cells.

    The rough eye phenotype of peb1 homozygotes is not complemented by pebhnt-1, pebX001, pebEH704a or Df(1)EH587. Embryos complete germband retraction.

    Eyes markedly rough at 28oC-30oC, slightly rough (like S) at 25oC, and wild type at 19oC. RK2 (28oC-30oC).

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
    Phenotypic Class
    Enhanced by

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2L)Dwee-Ī“5/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)ZN47/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)Antp17/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)DG2/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by +/Df(3R)Delta-BX12

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)by10/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2L)r10/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)p712/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Delta05151/Dl[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Delta9P/Dl[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Dl[+]/DeltaX

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Dp(2;2)Cam2/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Egfr[+]/Egfrf1

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by chic[+]/chick13321

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by gl[+]/gl1

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by gl[+]/gl2

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by ps[+]/ps10615

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2R)knSA3/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by osa00090/osa[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by osaArv1/osa[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by rols[+]/rols08232

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)Ī”1AK/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)GN24/+

    NOT Enhanced by

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by CycE[+]/CycEk05007

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by Lam[+]/Lam04643

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rho1E3.10/Rho1[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by Thiolase[+]/MtpĪ²00628

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by babo[+]/babo32

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by blw[+]/blw1

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by cact[+]/cact1

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by chn[+]/chnk04218

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by eIF-4a[+]/eIF4Ak01501

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by gl3/gl[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by tkv04415/tkv[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by tutl01085/tutl[+]

    Suppressed by

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by unch[+]/unchk15501

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkg01209

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg177/vkg[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkgk00236

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkgk07138

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkgk16502

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkgk16721

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vri[+]/vrik05901

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2L)E110/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)H3E1/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)Px2/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)stan2/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)vg-C/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)vg135/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)HR119/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)W10/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)rdgC-co2/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)vin2/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)vin5/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by +/Df(3R)D605

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Dp(2;2)Cam16/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by In(2LR)ltG16LBR27R/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Dp(2;2)Cam6/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by CG11329[+]/Nse1k00605a

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Cg25C[+]/Col4a1234

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Cg25C[+]/Col4a1k00405

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Coproxk10617/Coprox[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by CycE[+]/CycE05206

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)XS533/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)kto2/+

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Dmn[+]/DCTN2-p50k16109

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Hel25E[+]/Hel25Ek11511

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Jra1/Jra[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by MESK2k00119/MESK2[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Pdsw[+]/ND-PDSWk10101

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Rho1J3.8/Rho1[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Rpn6[+]/Rpn6k00103

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Rya-r44F[+]/RyRk04913

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Sec61Ī±k04917/Sec61alpha[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Sec61beta[+]/Sec61Ī²07214

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Sec61beta[+]/Sec61Ī²k03307

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by MtpĪ²k09828/Thiolase[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by aPKCk06403/aPKC[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by aop[+]/aop1

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by apt03041/apt[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by apt06369/apt[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by apt[+]/apt09049

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by apt[+]/aptk15608

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by babo[+]/babok16912

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by blw03972/blw[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by blwk00212/blw[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by cact4/cact[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by chic[+]/chic01320

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by chic[+]/chic11

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by chic[+]/chic221

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by chn02064/chn[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by dacP/dac[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by domk08108/dom[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by dve01738/dve[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by dvek06515/dve[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by eIF-4a[+]/eIF4A02439

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by eIF-4a[+]/eIF4Ak14518

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by eRF1neo28/eRF1[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by ed[+]/edk01102

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by heix[+]/heix1

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by heixk11403/heix[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by kst[+]/kst01318

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)0029700297/l(2)00297[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Acsl05847/l(2)44DEa[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)44DEa[+]/Acslk10313

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k00605b[+]/l(2)k00605bk00605b

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k00611[+]/l(2)k00611k00611

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k06617[+]/l(2)k06617k06617

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k10001k10001/l(2)k10001[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k10113k10113/l(2)k10113[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Cyt-c-pk13905/l(2)k13905[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k15826[+]/l(2)k15826k15826

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)s1878[+]/l(2)s1878s1878

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(3)L3930[+]/l(3)L3930L3930

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(3)neo51[+]/l(3)neo511

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by ms(3)neo94[+]/ms(3)neo941

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by not02069/not[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by pucA251.1F3/puc[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by px[+]/pxk08134

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by px[+]/pxk08316

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by rept[+]/rept06945

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by retn02535/retn[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by slbo01310/slbo[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by slbory7/slbo[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by slbory8/slbo[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by tkvk16713/tkv[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by tutlk14703/tutl[+]

    peb1 has abnormal planar polarity phenotype, suppressible | partially by bsk2/bsk[+]

    peb1 has abnormal planar polarity phenotype, suppressible | partially by bsk1/bsk[+]

    NOT suppressed by

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by CycE[+]/CycEk05007

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by Lam[+]/Lam04643

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by tkv04415/tkv[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by tutl01085/tutl[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by Rho1E3.10/Rho1[+]

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by Thiolase[+]/MtpĪ²00628

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by babo[+]/babo32

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by blw[+]/blw1

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by cact[+]/cact1

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by chn[+]/chnk04218

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by eIF-4a[+]/eIF4Ak01501

    peb1 has visible | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by gl3/gl[+]

    Phenotype Manifest In
    Enhanced by

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2L)Dwee-Ī“5/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)ZN47/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)Antp17/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)DG2/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by +/Df(3R)Delta-BX12

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)by10/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)p712/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Delta05151/Dl[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Delta9P/Dl[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Dl[+]/DeltaX

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Dp(2;2)Cam2/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2L)r10/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Egfr[+]/Egfrf1

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by chic[+]/chick13321

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by gl[+]/gl1

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by gl[+]/gl2

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by ps[+]/ps10615

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by osa00090/osa[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by osaArv1/osa[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by rols[+]/rols08232

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2R)knSA3/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)Ī”1AK/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)GN24/+

    NOT Enhanced by

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by CycE[+]/CycEk05007

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by Lam[+]/Lam04643

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rho1E3.10/Rho1[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by Thiolase[+]/MtpĪ²00628

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by babo[+]/babo32

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by blw[+]/blw1

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by cact[+]/cact1

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by chn[+]/chnk04218

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by eIF-4a[+]/eIF4Ak01501

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by gl3/gl[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by tkv04415/tkv[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-enhanceable by tutl01085/tutl[+]

    Suppressed by

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by CG11329[+]/Nse1k00605a

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Cg25C[+]/Col4a1234

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Cg25C[+]/Col4a1k00405

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Coproxk10617/Coprox[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by CycE[+]/CycE05206

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)XS533/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)kto2/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Dmn[+]/DCTN2-p50k16109

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Dp(2;2)Cam6/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Hel25E[+]/Hel25Ek11511

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Jra1/Jra[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by MESK2k00119/MESK2[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Pdsw[+]/ND-PDSWk10101

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Rho1J3.8/Rho1[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Rpn6[+]/Rpn6k00103

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Rya-r44F[+]/RyRk04913

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Sec61Ī±k04917/Sec61alpha[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Sec61beta[+]/Sec61Ī²07214

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Sec61beta[+]/Sec61Ī²k03307

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by MtpĪ²k09828/Thiolase[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by aPKCk06403/aPKC[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by aop[+]/aop1

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by apt03041/apt[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by apt06369/apt[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by apt[+]/apt09049

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by apt[+]/aptk15608

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by babo[+]/babok16912

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by blw03972/blw[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by blwk00212/blw[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by cact4/cact[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by chic[+]/chic01320

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by chic[+]/chic11

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by chic[+]/chic221

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by chn02064/chn[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by dacP/dac[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by domk08108/dom[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by dve01738/dve[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by dvek06515/dve[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by eIF-4a[+]/eIF4A02439

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by eIF-4a[+]/eIF4Ak14518

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by eRF1neo28/eRF1[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by ed[+]/edk01102

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by heix[+]/heix1

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by heixk11403/heix[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by kst[+]/kst01318

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)0029700297/l(2)00297[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Acsl05847/l(2)44DEa[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)44DEa[+]/Acslk10313

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k00605b[+]/l(2)k00605bk00605b

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k00611[+]/l(2)k00611k00611

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k06617[+]/l(2)k06617k06617

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k10001k10001/l(2)k10001[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k10113k10113/l(2)k10113[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Cyt-c-pk13905/l(2)k13905[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)k15826[+]/l(2)k15826k15826

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(2)s1878[+]/l(2)s1878s1878

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(3)L3930[+]/l(3)L3930L3930

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by l(3)neo51[+]/l(3)neo511

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by ms(3)neo94[+]/ms(3)neo941

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by not02069/not[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by pucA251.1F3/puc[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by px[+]/pxk08134

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by px[+]/pxk08316

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by rept[+]/rept06945

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by retn02535/retn[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by slbo01310/slbo[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by slbory7/slbo[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by slbory8/slbo[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by tkvk16713/tkv[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by tutlk14703/tutl[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by unch[+]/unchk15501

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkg01209

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg177/vkg[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkgk00236

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkgk07138

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkgk16502

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vkg[+]/vkgk16721

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by vri[+]/vrik05901

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2L)E110/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)H3E1/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)Px2/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)stan2/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)vg-C/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(2R)vg135/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)HR119/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)W10/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)rdgC-co2/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)vin2/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)vin5/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by +/Df(3R)D605

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Dp(2;2)Cam16/+

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible | partially by In(2LR)ltG16LBR27R/+

    peb1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible | partially by Jra1/Jra[+]

    peb1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible | partially by JraIA109/Jra[+]

    peb1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible | partially by bsk1/bsk[+]

    peb1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible | partially by bsk2/bsk[+]

    NOT suppressed by

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by CycE[+]/CycEk05007

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by Lam[+]/Lam04643

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by Rho1E3.10/Rho1[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by Thiolase[+]/MtpĪ²00628

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by babo[+]/babo32

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by blw[+]/blw1

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by cact[+]/cact1

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by chn[+]/chnk04218

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by eIF-4a[+]/eIF4Ak01501

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by gl3/gl[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by tkv04415/tkv[+]

    peb1 has eye | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by tutl01085/tutl[+]

    peb1 has phenotype, non-suppressible by su(Hw)2

    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions
    Xenogenetic Interactions
    Complementation and Rescue Data
    Images (0)
    Stocks (2)
    Notes on Origin

    l(1)EH275a is not allelic to peb; l(1)EH275a1 complements pebhnt-1, pebX001, pebEH704a and peb1.

    External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (2)
    References (12)