A P-element is inserted in the first intron of the vg transcription unit, not 5' to the start of vg transcription as previously thought. The insertion site is 423bp downstream of the vg transcription start site and the P-element has an internal deletion of nucleotides 381-2601. Transcription of the P-element is in the same orientation as that of vg.
Insertion of 7kb of unknown DNA at position 0 on the molecular map of the vg region (Williams, Mol. Gen. Genet. 221: 8).
0/7kb P-element insertion just upstream of the putative transcription start site.
650bp P element insert.
P-element insertion at coordinate 0.
insert hybridizing to P sequences at 0kb ; '+' values to right (distal); 0 coordinate assigned to insert position of vg21; Williams, Atkin and Bell (1990).
Cryptic allele; homozygotes show no wing defect.
vg21/Df(2R)vg-B animals show slight nicking of the wing.
Mutant phenotype shows cytotype-dependent expression. Heterozygotes with vg2a33 show moderate wing nicking. Homozygotes: wild type wing phenotype. Heterozygotes with Df(2R)vg-B in M cytotype: moderate wing phenotype. Heterozygotes with Df(2R)vg-B in cytotype: wild type wing phenotype.
Homozygotes have a wild type phenotype but a strap wing phenotype when in combination with most strong alleles of vg and in hemizygotes, a cryptic phenotype.
Homozygotes have a wild type phenotype and when heterozygous with a strong vg allele individuals have nicked or scalloped wings.
Homozygotes display high resistance to aminopterin.
Homozygotes display complete wing margins or only slight nicks at the distal tip of one wing.
Homozygotes have a wild type phenotype, P-cytotype has no effect on the phenotype but the M-cytotype cause a moderate vg phenotype.
cytotype-dependent allele; homozygote normal; weak vg over vg1
Df(2R)vg-B/vg21 has visible phenotype, suppressible | partially by P\TSal
Df(2R)vg-B/vg21 has wing phenotype, suppressible | partially by P\TSal
The presence of P\TSal partially suppresses the nicking of the wing that is seen in vg21/Df(2R)vg-B animals.
?, 1988.
"of vg." was stated as revision.
Fusion of vg transcript to P-element transcript may be the reason for the cytotype dependence of the vg phenotype.
Transposase induced revertants demonstrate that deletions in the 3' region of the P-element result in a strong vg phenotype and deletions in the 5' region result in a revertant phenotype.