dsh75/+ flies display wild-type hair patterns on the wing, thorax and eyes.
Homozygous clones in the wing result in ectopic bristles and notched wings.
Homozygous clones induced during the first larval instar show dramatic phenotypes in the dorsal wing hinge; dorsal hinge structures, with the exception of axillary sclerite 1, are obliterated if they fall within the clone. Homozygous clones in the proximal wing hinge result in duplication of the axillary pouch and the yellow club. The pleural wing process and pleural sclerite can also be missing.
Embryos deficient for maternal and zygotic dsh show a dorsal-open phenotype.
Homozygous clones in the anterior ventral region of the leg disc produce bifurcated or triplicated legs. Homozygous clones close to the proximal edge of the leg disc can produce a complete secondary leg. Clones located more distally can produce converging pattern triplications. Clones in the posterior compartment induce the formation of extra rows of mutant bristles. Clones in the dorsal third of the leg have no effect on pattern. sggM1-1 dsh75 double mutant clones behave like sggM1-1 single mutant clones.
Embryos exhibit a lawn of denticle belts.
dsh75/dsh[+], kmr2 has abnormal planar polarity | adult stage phenotype
dsh75/dsh[+], kmr1 has visible | adult stage phenotype
dsh75/dsh[+], kmr1 has abnormal planar polarity | adult stage phenotype
dsh75/dsh[+], kmr2 has visible | adult stage phenotype
dsh75/dsh[+], kmr1 has interommatidial bristle phenotype
dsh75/dsh[+], kmr2 has interommatidial bristle phenotype
Injection of nkddsRNA.cRa dsRNA has no effect on the dsh75 phenotype.
N. Perrimon.
Used in mosaic analysis in the wing to examine the effect of inability to respond to wg signal.