Drives expression in parasegments 4-9 (T2-A4) of the embryonic ectoderm, in the amnioserosa, in the Bolwig organ and posterior spiracles in late embryos and first instar larvae, in the fat body in third instar larvae and prepupae, and in the pupal and adult abdomen. Please note that this driver has been used as a component of a fluorescently labeled balancer chromosome in many associated stocks.
Expressed in ensheathing cells but not in somatic gonadal precursors in stage 17 embryos. Stains testis pigment cells in adult males.
In embryos, expression easily scored at late extended germ band; fades during germ band retraction (stage 13-14), increases at end of embryogenesis, where it is visible in Bolwig's organ and the posterior spiracle. In larva, first instar pattern similar to that in late embryo; in second instar most conspicuous expression in the salivary glands; in late third instar and early pupae, in the fat body. In late pupae and young adults, signal observed internally throughout abdomen; in older adults restricted to internal abdominal structures near the thorax.
(Described as expressed in parasegments T2 to A4.)
In embryos, no expression observed in the CNS.
lethal, with vndUAS.cKa
pCC neuron, with vndUAS.cCa
U neuron, with vndUAS.cCa
Nint.G.UAS, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by edts/ed2B8
Cdk7D137R.UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM has mitotic cell cycle phenotype, enhanceable by twe+t3.7
Cdk7D137R.UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM has mitotic cell cycle phenotype, enhanceable by twe+t10
Cdk7T170A.UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM has mitotic cell cycle phenotype, enhanceable by twe+t3.7
Cdk7T170A.UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM has mitotic cell cycle phenotype, enhanceable by twe+t10
Atg1UAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM, Scer\GAL4Orct2-cald-GAL4 has amnioserosa phenotype, suppressible by BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM, Scer\GAL4Orct2-cald-GAL4
Nint.G.UAS, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM has larval neuron phenotype, suppressible by edts/ed2B8
BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM, Scer\GAL4Orct2-cald-GAL4 is a suppressor of amnioserosa phenotype of Atg1UAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4Kr.PM, Scer\GAL4Orct2-cald-GAL4
Scer\GAL4Kr.PM/acUAS.cPa is a non-suppressor of ventral neurectoderm medial zone phenotype of vndD38
Scer\GAL4Kr.PM/l(1)scUAS.cPa is a non-suppressor of ventral neurectoderm medial zone phenotype of vndD38
Scer\GAL4Kr.PM/scUAS.cPa is a non-suppressor of ventral neurectoderm medial zone phenotype of vndD38
Scer\GAL4Kr.PM/SoxNUAS.cOa partially rescues SoxNU6-35
hth1-487.VP16.UAS/Scer\GAL4Kr.PM partially rescues hth64-1
Scer\GAL4Kr.PM/vndUAS.cCa partially rescues vndD38
Scer\GAL4Kr.PM/krzUAS.cRa fails to rescue krzS047819