l(3)04704b04704b/l(3)04704a04704a is a suppressor of lethal phenotype of Ras85DV12.sev, sevS11.Tag:MYC
Ras85DV12.sev, l(3)04704a04704a, l(3)04704b04704b, sevS11.Tag:MYC has viable phenotype
The lethality caused by sevS11.T:Hsap\MYC in combination with Ras85DV12.sev is suppressed by the l(3)04704 line. The l(3)04704 line has two P{PZ} insertions: P{PZ}l(3)04704a04704a at 90D1--90D2 and P{PZ}l(3)04704b04704b at 97E5--97E6. It is not known which P{PZ} insertion in the l(3)04704 line is responsible for the suppression of the lethality caused by sevS11.T:Hsap\MYC in combination with Ras85DV12.sev.
Separable from: l(3)04704a04704a.