The P{lArB} element in neurA101 has been replaced with the P{GawB} element from P{GawB}SG18.1 by P\T-mediated conversion.
The P{lArB} sequences of the Ecol\lacZneur-A101 insertion have been replaced with P{GAL4} sequences.
Drives expression in progenitor cells of all sense organs, and their progeny.
ScerGAL4neur-GAL4-A101RA was used to drive GFP-tagged IKKε, which was localized to the macrochaeta tip.
ScerGAL4neur-GAL4-A101 drives expression in 4-5 polar follicle cell precursor cells in stage 1-4 egg chambers, and later in the 2 polar cells that emerge from the prepolar group.
Assumed to have same expression pattern observed for EcollacZneur-A101, in all sensory organs and their precursors.
On basis of known Β-gal expression in EcollacZneur-A101, expect expression in progenitor cells of all sense organs and their progeny.
bract | ectopic, with spis.UAS.EGFP
chaeta, with hamUAS.cMa
macrochaeta, with spn-F1
trichogen cell | adult stage | ectopic | somatic clone, with svUAS.cKa
Hsap\FXNUAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101 has short lived phenotype, suppressible by CatTag:Mito(Oat)
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101, fhUAS.cLa has short lived phenotype, suppressible by CatTag:Mito(Oat)
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/spis.UAS.EGFP is a suppressor of bract | somatic clone phenotype of dia5
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/svUAS.cKa is a suppressor of chaeta | somatic clone phenotype of seqU5
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/svUAS.cKa is a suppressor of tormogen cell | somatic clone phenotype of seqU5
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/hamUAS.cMa is a suppressor of tormogen cell | somatic clone phenotype of seqU5
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/numbPTB.UAS.GFP is a non-suppressor of eo neuron | somatic clone phenotype of l(2)glunspecified
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/numbPTB.UAS.GFP is a non-suppressor of thecogen cell | somatic clone phenotype of l(2)glunspecified
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/numbPTB.UAS.GFP is a non-suppressor of tormogen cell | somatic clone phenotype of l(2)glunspecified
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/numbPTB.UAS.GFP is a non-suppressor of tormogen cell | increased number | somatic clone phenotype of l(2)glunspecified
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/numbPTB.UAS.GFP is a non-suppressor of trichogen cell | somatic clone phenotype of l(2)glunspecified
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/numbPTB.UAS.GFP is a non-suppressor of trichogen cell | increased number | somatic clone phenotype of l(2)glunspecified
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/neurUAS.PA.Tag:V5 partially rescues neurGAL4-A101
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/neurUAS.PA.Tag:V5 partially rescues neurGAL4-A101
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprsa54/Itprug3
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprug3/Itprka1091
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprug3/Itprka1091
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/numbPTB.UAS.GFP partially rescues numb2
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/neurG430E.UAS.PA.Tag:V5 fails to rescue neurGAL4-A101
Scer\GAL4neur-GAL4-A101/neur5Q.UAS.PA.Tag:V5 fails to rescue neurGAL4-A101