A mutant form of sqh is expressed under the control of its own promoter; carries the amino acid replacements T20E and S21E.
sqhE20.E21/+ significantly reduces egg length, shows increased nurse cell-to-oocyte membrane collapse and high abnormal accumulation of F-actin in nurse cells of stage 9/10 egg chambers compared to controls.
Expression of sqhE20.E21 rescues the para-segmental boundary defects found in Y-27632-treated embryos.
Expression of one copy of the sqhE20.E21 transgene has no effect on axial expansion in wild-type flies.
The addition of sqhE20.E21 rescues the germ band extension defects seen in embryos injected with Y-27632 (a specific inhibitor of rok).
One copy of sqhE20.E21 in a wild-type background has no effect on eye development.
aurAIM, sqhE20.E21 has some die during pharate adult stage phenotype, suppressible by rok[+]/Rok2
aurAIM, sqhE20.E21 has some die during pharate adult stage phenotype, suppressible by zip[+]/zip1
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of lethal - all die during P-stage phenotype of aurAST
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of some die during pharate adult stage phenotype of aurAIM
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of increased mortality during development phenotype of aurAWK
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype of aspE3
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of MYPT-75DF117A.UAS, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Ggal\MLCKct.UAS, Scer\GAL4ftz.ng
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of visible | recessive phenotype of ck07130
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of DrakKO
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of lethal phenotype of Drakdel/DrakKO, rok[+]/Rok2
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of flw1, pucA251.1F3/puc[+]
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of abnormal cell polarity phenotype of Lkb1X5
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of abnormal mitotic cell cycle phenotype of Lkb1X5
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal mitotic cell cycle | larval stage phenotype of AMPKαD1
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of visible | recessive phenotype of dsh1
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of lethal | recessive | larval stage phenotype of Rok2
sqhE20.E21 is a non-suppressor of lethal | male phenotype of flw6
sqhE20.E21 is a non-suppressor of lethal | male phenotype of flwG0172
sqhE20.E21 is a non-suppressor of abnormal planar polarity phenotype of dsh1
flw1, sqhE20.E21 has lethal | male phenotype
sqhE20.E21 has egg phenotype, enhanceable by Pkn1T/Pkn1T
sqhE20.E21 has egg phenotype, enhanceable by Pkn2T/Pkn2T
sqhE20.E21/sqh[+] is an enhancer of egg | germline clone phenotype of Pkn1T
sqhE20.E21/sqh[+] is an enhancer of egg | germline clone phenotype of Pkn2T
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of larval brain | third instar larval stage phenotype of aspE3
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of wing phenotype of MYPT-75DF117A.UAS, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Rac1GMR.PN
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of larval longitudinal connective phenotype of Ggal\MLCKct.UAS, Scer\GAL4ftz.ng
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype of RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of mushroom body medial lobe phenotype of RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
sqhE20.E21 is an enhancer of wing hair | increased number phenotype of ck07130
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of DrakKO
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of metathoracic leg phenotype of DrakKO
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of flw1, pucA251.1F3/puc[+]
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor | partially of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | maternal effect phenotype of AMPKαD1
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of cleavage nucleus phenotype of Cp1902
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey.PB, stiRNAi.Sym.UAS
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of ommatidium phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey.PB, stiRNAi.Sym.UAS
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of wing hair | increased number phenotype of dsh1
sqhE20.E21 is a suppressor of wing hair | increased number phenotype of Rok2
sqhE20.E21 is a non-suppressor of mesoderm phenotype of stumps09904b
sqhE20.E21 is a non-suppressor of wing hair phenotype of dsh1
Shorter egg length in sqhE20.E21/+ is enhanced in Pkn1T/Pkn1T or Pkn2T/Pkn2T germline clones.
Introducing one copy of sqhE20.E21 into aurST, aurIM, or aurWK mutants significantly enhances aur mutant lethality.
A rok2/+ heterozygous background suppresses the enhanced lethality of aurIM females bearing one copy of sqhE20.E21, and ameliorates the enhanced rough eye phenotype of these flies.
A rok2/+ heterozygous background suppresses the enhanced lethality of aurWK females bearing one copy of sqhE20.E21, and ameliorates the enhanced rough eye phenotype of these flies.
sqhE20.E21 enhances the neuroepithelial defects of aspE3 larval brains.
Expression of sqhE20.E21 suppresses the short wing and deformed T3 leg phenotypes of DrakKO mutants.
The wing defects seen in flw1/Y ; pucA251.1F3/+ flies are suppressed to wild type by sqhE20.E21.
The epithelial polarity defects and genomic polyploidy defects seen in lkb1X5 larvae are suppressed by sqhE20.E21.
The cuticle defects seen in mutant embryos derived from SNF1AD1 homozygous female germline clones are partially suppressed by sqhE20.E21; the fraction of embryos that form cuticle is increased from approximately 10% to approximately 30%.
The fraction of SNF1AD1 mitotic larval brain neuroblasts that show extreme polyploidy is decreased if the larvae are also mutant for sqhE20.E21.
Expression of one copy of the sqhE20.E21 transgene partially restores axial expansion in Cp1902 germ-line clone embryos.
A single copy of the sqhE20.E21 transgene is able to considerably suppress the stidsRNA.Sym.Scer\UAS (under the regulation of Scer\GAL4ey.PB) rough eye phenotype.
The amount of MbsT541 photoreceptor clones that are mislocalized to the basal region of the eye disc is increased when these discs carry one copy of sqhE20.E21 (a transgene that contains two phosphomimetic mutations).
The flw1 mutation is lethal in combination with the phosphomimetic sqhE20.E21 mutation. The amount of blistering and crumpling of wings in flies expressing MYPT-75DF117A.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 is enhanced by sqhE20.E21.
The small, rough eye phenotype of Rac1GMR.PN flies is enhanced by heterozygosity for sqhE20.E21.
4% of rok2/Y ; sqhE20.E21/+ flies survive to adulthood. The multiple wing hair phenotype caused by rok2 is almost completely suppressed by sqhE20.E21. The dsh1 multiple hair phenotype but not the hair misorientation phenotype is suppressed by sqhE20.E21.
The midline crossover phenotype caused expression of Ggal\MLCKct.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ftz.ng is enhanced by sqhE20.E21.
sqhE20.E21 partially rescues sqh1
sqhE20.E21 partially rescues sqhAX3
Expressing one copy of the sqhE20.E21 transgene restores axial expansion in sqh1 germline clones and substantially restores both oogenesis and subsequent axial expansion in sqhAX3 germline clones.