Amino acid replacement: W22term.
Nucleotide substitution: G?A.
W22term | rib-PA; W22term | rib-PB; W22term | rib-PC
nucleolus | embryonic stage (with rib1)
P-body | embryonic stage (with rib1)
The developing salivary glands in ribP7 mutant animals fail to turn and migrate properly. In addition, the dorsal trunks of the trachea exhibit only partial extension at stage 14, but relatively normal extension of dorsal and visceral branches occurs. These defects are also observed in rib1/ribP7 animals.
rib1/ribP7 mutant animals have normal salivary gland epithelial cell architecture, but exhibit short lumena with distally tilted apical-basal cell axes. There are reduced numbers of apical vesicles and increased microvillar structure.
Stage 13 ribP7 embryos show little tracheal branch budding or outgrowth. By stage 14, 99% of tracheal branches remain stalled, although 1% have formed and grown out excessively and in abnormal directions.
ribP7/rib1 has presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype, suppressible | partially by crbintra.UAS/Scer\GAL4btl.PS
ribP7/rib1 has tracheal dorsal trunk primordium phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4btl.PS/MoeT559A.UAS.Tag:MYC
ribP7/rib1 has tracheal dorsal trunk primordium phenotype, non-suppressible by crbintra.UAS/Scer\GAL4btl.PS
ribP7/rib1 has presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/crbUAS.cWa
ribP7/rib1 has tracheal dorsal trunk primordium phenotype, non-suppressible by crbUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4btl.PS
ribP7/rib1 has presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/MoeT559A.UAS.Tag:MYC
Expression of crbintra.Scer\UAS in the trachea under the control of Scer\GAL4btl.PS in rib1/ribP7 mutant animals partially rescues the tracheal dorsal trunk extension defects.
Expression of crbintra.Scer\UAS in the salivary gland under the control of Scer\GAL4fkh.PH in rib1/ribP7 animals fails to rescue salivary gland migration defects.
Expression of crbScer\UAS.cWa in the salivary gland under the control of Scer\GAL4fkh.PH in rib1/ribP7 animals fails to rescue salivary gland migration defects.
Expression of crbScer\UAS.cWa in the trachea under the control of Scer\GAL4btl.PS in rib1/ribP7 animals fails to rescue tracheal defects.
Expression of MoeT559A.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC in the trachea under the control of Scer\GAL4btl.PS in rib1/ribP7 mutant animals partially rescues the dorsal trunk extension defects.
Expression of MoeT559A.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC in the salivary gland under the control of Scer\GAL4fkh.PH in rib1/ribP7 mutant animals fails to rescue the salivary gland migration defects.
Based on the extent of salivary gland development, the following rib alleles can be ranked from strongest to weakest as follows: Df(2R)rib-ex12 > ribP7 > rib1/ribP7 > rib1.
Based on the extent of tracheal development, the following rib alleles can be ranked from strongest to weakest as follows: Df(2R)rib-ex12 > rib1/ribP7 > rib1 > ribP7 .