Animals expressing EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4 have defects in the mushroom body α/β lobes: the lobes may appear slim or underdeveloped, axonal projections may be misguided or the β lobes may be fused.
Expression of EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4 using heat shock results in germaria that are filled with supernumerary germline cells containing a single spectrosome (SSCs) in females. The ratio between developing fusome-containing cells and SSCs in regions 1-2A of the germaria is decreased in the mutants compared to wild type.
Expression of EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4 using heat shock for 3 to 5 hours after egg laying results in embryonic lethality, with highly penetrant defects in germ band retraction and head involution and defects in cuticle deposition. The embryonic lethality caused by heat treating EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4/+ embryos at 3 to 5 hours after egg laying is increased from 60% to 96% penetrance if the embryos are also heterozygous for EcRM554fs. The penetrance and expressivity of the germ band retraction defect is also increased in these embryos.
Expression of EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4 using heat shock in late third instar larvae results in 100% lethality. 62% of animals carrying EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4 and subjected at 10-12 hours before puparium formation to two sequential heat shocks separated by a 4 hour recovery period arrest development as non-pupariating late third instar larvae, 28% form untanned elongated prepupae and the remaining 10% form partially tanned and misshapen pupal cases. The salivary glands of the non-pupariated larvae fail to undergo programmed cell death in 6 out of 7 cases. The larval midguts are arrested at various stages of cell death, with the gastric caecae often persisting. The imaginal discs fail to undergo metamorphosis. Animals carrying EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4 and subjected to heat shock during the early pupal stage (12-20 hours after puparium formation) almost all survive.
EcRGAL4::LBD.hs has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by mir-let7UAS.cCa
EcRGAL4::LBD.hs has mitotic domain 1 | extended germ band stage phenotype, enhanceable by mys11/mys[+]
EcRGAL4::LBD.hs has mitotic domain 1 | extended germ band stage phenotype, enhanceable by mys1/mys[+]
EcRGAL4::LBD.hs has lobe system of adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by mir-let7UAS.cCa
Co-expression of let-7Scer\UAS.cCa rescues the mushroom body α/β lobe defects seen in animals expressing EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4.
The penetrance and expressivity of the germ band retraction defect seen in embryos in which EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4 is expressed using heat shock for 3 to 5 hours after egg laying is enhanced by mys1/+ or mys11/+.
The EcRhs.T:Scer\GAL4 protein produced can bind to Scer\UAS regulatory sequences in the absence of ligand, but should not activate transcription. In the presence of ligand the protein can switch to an active conformation and induce expression from the Scer\UAS regulatory sequences.