A 5.8kb BamHI genomic fragment (which derives from the genome about 0.4kb from the H{Lw2} insertion site in the H{Lw2}J21.17 enhancer trap line) is fused upstream of a minimal promoter driving GAL4 expression.
Comment: reference states 60 hr APF
Comment: reference states 60 hr APF
Drives expression in zone A and zone B Johnston organ neurons.
Expression of ScerGAL4JO15 is seen in the ~50-100 neurons innervating AMMC zone A, and ~100-150 neurons innervating AMMC zone B.
Optogenetic activation (using Cnoc\ChR1Cs.IVS.20xUAS.Venus with red light activation) of Scer\GAL4JO15 neurons does not significantly affect the number of antennal grooming bouts compared to controls.
Inhibition of neural activity in Scer\GAL4JO15-expressing neurons results in courtship defects.
Scer\GAL4JO15/RootUASp.EGFP partially rescues Root66
Bug22UAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4JO15 partially rescues Bug22KO