Construct: Constitutively active Ras85D is driven by a heat shock promoter.
mesothoracic tarsal segment 1 & bract | ectopic
When Ras85Dhs.M11.2 animals are heat shocked at any time between 5 and 27 hours after pupariation (AP), their legs acquire extra bracts. On the tibia these excess bracts are patchily distributed, on the basitarsus these bracts are also patchy (found mainly near bristles) for shocks between 11 and 27 hours AP, but earlier shocks (5-10h AP) typically yield a confluent lawn of unpigmented bracts.
The addition of Ras85Dhs.M11.2 under heat shock control partially suppresses the missing-bract phenotype seen in Ras85De1B/+, S05671/+ mutants.
Ras85Dhs.M11.2 partially rescues Ras85De1B
The addition of Ras85Dhs.M11.2 under heat shock control partially suppresses the missing-bract phenotype seen in Ras85De1B/+, S05671/+ mutants.