Imprecise excision of the P{EP} element, resulting in deletion of 174bp upstream of the former insertion site.
eye (with Df(2L)BSC5)
The number of haemocytes that migrate into the tail is reduced in Gef26Δ1 and Gef26Δ1/Df(2L)BSC185 mutant embryos.
Gef26Δ1 and Gef26Δ1/Df(2L)BSC5 escapers have rough eyes that are reduced in size, wing blades that are bent downwards and distorted male genitalia.
At stage 14, the posterior part of the ventral nerve cord lacks macrophages in Gef26Δ1 mutants, whereas in wild-type embryos, the ventral nerve cord is completely surrounded by macrophages. In some mutant embryos, the resulting ventral gap persists until later stages, while in others the gap eventually disappears toward stage 15. Macrophages are found in an aberrant, dorsal position beneath the amnioserosa in mutant embryos after germ band retraction. Gef26Δ1 macrophages form smaller protrusions than in wild-type macrophages and do not achieve the even distribution seen in stage 15 wild-type embryos, resulting in the posterior-ventral part of the mutant embryo containing fewer macrophages than wild type. Other aspects of the migration, such as the migration along the dorsal epidermis, are not affected.
PDZ-GEFΔ1 is a non-enhancer of hemocyte | embryonic stage phenotype of RhoL10-161
The number of haemocytes that migrate into the tail region is reduced in Gef26Δ1, RhoL10-161 double mutant embryos, comparable to the reduced number observed in RhoL10-161 mutants.