Df(2L)let-7-CKO1, EcRM544fs, P{W8,let7CΔmir-let7} has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype
Df(2L)let-7-CKO1, EcRM544fs, P{W8,let7CΔmir-let7} has lobe system of adult mushroom body phenotype
Df(2L)let-7-CKO1, EcRM544fs, P{W8,let7CΔmir-let7} has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype
Df(2L)let-7-CKO1/EcRM544fs ; P{W8,let-7-CΔlet-7} animals have defects in the mushroom body α/β lobes: the lobes may appear slim or underdeveloped, axonal projections may be misguided or the β lobes may be fused.