Cells from clones in the eye disc expressing sqhDD.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Act.PU become mislocalised in the optic stalk.
Cells from the eye disc expressing sqhDD.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PU become mislocalised in the optic stalk.
Wing discs overexpressing sqhDD.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 are multi-layered and show malformed disc shapes.
In contrast to the columnar wild-type cells, wing disc cells in clones overexpressing sqhDD.Scer\UAS driven by Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI shrink basally and show abnormal apical-basal polarity.
In contrast to wild-type controls, cells overexpressing sqhDD.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1 appear to migrate out from the Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1-expression domain.
Scer\GAL4repo.PU/sqhDD.UAS is an enhancer of hyperplasia | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4repo.PU, btl::Egfrλ.UAS
Scer\GAL4repo.PU/sqhDD.UAS is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4repo.PU, btl::Egfrλ.UAS
Scer\GAL4repo.PU, btl::Egfrλ.UAS, sqhDD.UAS has neoplasia | third instar larval stage phenotype
Scer\GAL4repo.PU/sqhDD.UAS is an enhancer of larval brain | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4repo.PU, btl::Egfrλ.UAS
Scer\GAL4repo.PU/sqhDD.UAS is an enhancer of larval brain neuropil glial cell | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4repo.PU, btl::Egfrλ.UAS
sqhDD.UAS/Scer\GAL4c381 is an enhancer of embryonic/larval cuticle | embryonic stage phenotype of α-Cat1
sqhDD.UAS/Scer\GAL4c381 is an enhancer of embryonic/larval cuticle | embryonic stage phenotype of α-Cat13
sqhDD.UAS/Scer\GAL4c381 is a non-enhancer of embryonic/larval cuticle | embryonic stage phenotype of α-Cat2049
sqhDD.UAS/Scer\GAL4c381 is a non-enhancer of embryonic/larval cuticle | embryonic stage phenotype of α-Cat421
sqhDD.UAS/Scer\GAL4Act5C.PP is a suppressor of fat body | somatic clone | calorie restriction conditional phenotype of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PP, sqaRNAi.UAS
sqhDD.UAS/Scer\GAL4Act5C.PP is a suppressor of autophagosome | somatic clone | calorie restriction conditional phenotype of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PP, sqaRNAi.UAS
Co-expressing sqhDD.UAS enhances the larval brain glia hyperplasia induced by the expression of btl::Egfrλ.UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4repo.PU; glia cells lose the normal stellate shape and form abnormal cellular aggregates that disrupted normal larval brain architecture, indicative of neoplastic transformation.
The severity of the embryonic cuticle defects in α-Cat1 or α-Cat13 mutants but not in α-Cat421 or α-Cat2049 embryos can be significantly aggravated by expression of sqhDD.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4c381 in the mutant background.
Co-expression of sqhDD.Scer\UAS with sqadsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PP suppresses the sqadsRNA.Scer\UAS-induced autophagic defects in larval fat body cells.