Contains a genomic fragment centred on Rab21 in which the complete Rab21 open reading frame has been replaced with the GAL4 driver coding region and a loxP cassette containing Disc\RFP3xP3.PC and the kanamycin resistance gene.
ScerGAL4Rab21.ORF drives expression in some neurons and possibly glia in the larval brain. In the pupal brain, expression in mostly observed in the optic lobe neurons and glial cells. In the adult brain, expression is widespread.
The PBac{I-SceI(FRT.Rab21-GAL4.ORF(loxP.3xP3-RFP))} vector can be used both as a driver expressing Scer\GAL4 under the control of the Rab21 regulatory sequences present in the construct and also as a donor construct for ends-out homologous recombination at the endogenous Rab21 locus.