The P{lacW}Cyt-c-pk13905 insertion is lethal over Df(2L)Exel6039 (a deficiency that removes both Cyt-c-p and Cyt-c-d) and this lethality can be rescued by transgenic expression of either Cyt-c-p or Cyt-c-d. However, the lethality of P{lacW}Cyt-c-pk13905 homozygotes cannot be rescued, suggesting that in addition to lethality associated with the insertion, the chromosome carries an additional unrelated lethal mutation.
lethal (with Df(2L)Exel6039)
lethal (with Df(2L)glu-17C)
Lysates from 4 hour old prepupae heterozygous for Cyt-c-pk13905 show no reduction in caspase activation compared to wild type.
Cyt-c-pk13905/Df(2L)Exel6039 has lethal phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4Tub.PU/Cyt-c-dUAS.cAa
Cyt-c-pk13905 has lethal phenotype, suppressible by Cyt-c-dZ21091
Cyt-c-pk13905 is a suppressor of male sterile phenotype of Cyt-c-dZ21091
Cyt-c-pk13905/l(2)k13905[+] is a suppressor of visible | heat sensitive phenotype of peb1
Cyt-c-pk13905/l(2)k13905[+] is a suppressor of eye | heat sensitive phenotype of peb1
Cyt-c-dZ21091 complements the lethality of Cyt-c-pk13905, and Cyt-c-pk13905 complements the sterility of Cyt-c-dZ21091. Expression of the Cyt-c-dScer\UAS.cAa transgene, under the control of Scer\GAL4tub, rescues the lethality of Cyt-c-pk13905/Df(2L)Exel6039 flies.
Cyt-c-pk13905 is rescued by Scer\GAL4Tub.PU/Cyt-c-pUAS.cAb
I. Kiss.
Deficiency complementation analysis is consistent with the lethality of the line being associated with the insertion.
The Cyt-c-pk13905 chromosome appears to carry a separable lethal mutation, which cannot be rescued by expression of a wild-type Cyt-c-p transgene.
Complements: Cask03902. Complements: gluk08819. Complements: Mhck10423. Complements: l(2)k15102k15102.