cystN.UASp.R, Scer\GAL4da.G32 is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval cuticle | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype of Rac1DN.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4da.G32
cystN.UASp.R, Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C is a non-suppressor of embryonic epidermis | maternal effect phenotype of Rho1N19.UAS, Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C
cystN.UASp.R, Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval cuticle | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype of Rho1N19.UAS, Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C
cystN.UASp.R, Scer\GAL4da.G32 is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval cuticle | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype of Cdc42N17.UAS, Scer\GAL4da.G32
The co-expression of cystN.UASp.R does not suppress the severe embryo cuticle defects induced by the maternal expression of Rho1N19.UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C.