FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Gene: Dmel\tim
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General Information
D. melanogaster
Annotation Symbol
Feature Type
FlyBase ID
Gene Model Status
Stock Availability
Gene Summary
timeless (tim) encodes a key component of the tim-per complex, required for the production of circadian rhythms. It is involved in mating behavior, DNA replication and larval phototaxis. [Date last reviewed: 2019-03-14] (FlyBase Gene Snapshot)
Also Known As

dTIM, rit, tim1, Ritsu

Key Links
Genomic Location
Cytogenetic map
Sequence location
Recombination map
RefSeq locus
NT_033779 REGION:3493986..3508119
Genomic Maps
Other Genome Views
The following external sites may use different assemblies or annotations than FlyBase.
Gene Ontology (GO) Annotations (26 terms)
Molecular Function (2 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (1 term)
CV Term
inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:cry; FB:FBgn0025680
inferred from physical interaction with FLYBASE:per; FB:FBgn0003068
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (1 term)
CV Term
enables DNA binding
inferred from biological aspect of ancestor with PANTHER:PTN000533813
Biological Process (20 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (14 terms)
CV Term
inferred from mutant phenotype
involved_in circadian behavior
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
involved_in copulation
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
involved_in locomotor rhythm
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from genetic interaction with FLYBASE:jet; FB:FBgn0031652
involved_in mating behavior
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
involved_in photoperiodism
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
inferred from mutant phenotype
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (7 terms)
CV Term
involved_in DNA repair
inferred from biological aspect of ancestor with PANTHER:PTN000533813
inferred from biological aspect of ancestor with PANTHER:PTN000533813
involved_in eclosion rhythm
traceable author statement
inferred from biological aspect of ancestor with PANTHER:PTN001118055
traceable author statement
inferred from biological aspect of ancestor with PANTHER:PTN000533813
involved_in rhythmic behavior
traceable author statement
Cellular Component (4 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (3 terms)
CV Term
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (1 term)
CV Term
Gene Group (FlyBase)
Protein Family (UniProt)
Belongs to the timeless family. (P49021)
Gene Snapshot
timeless (tim) encodes a key component of the tim-per complex, required for the production of circadian rhythms. It is involved in mating behavior, DNA replication and larval phototaxis. [Date last reviewed: 2019-03-14]
Protein Function (UniProtKB)
Required for the production of circadian rhythms. The biological cycle depends on the rhythmic formation and nuclear localization of the TIM-PER complex. Light induces the degradation of TIM, which promotes elimination of PER. Nuclear activity of the heterodimer coordinatively regulates PER and TIM transcription through a negative feedback loop. Behaves as a negative element in circadian transcriptional loop. Does not appear to bind DNA, suggesting indirect transcriptional inhibition.
(UniProt, P49021)
Summary (Interactive Fly)

transcription factor - novel with pas domain - photoperiod response - partners the transcription factor Period - involved in mating behavior, DNA replication and larval phototaxis

Gene Model and Products
Number of Transcripts
Number of Unique Polypeptides

Please see the JBrowse view of Dmel\tim for information on other features

To submit a correction to a gene model please use the Contact FlyBase form

Protein Domains (via Pfam)
Isoform displayed:
Pfam protein domains
InterPro name
Protein Domains (via SMART)
Isoform displayed:
SMART protein domains
InterPro name
Protein 3D structure   (Predicted by AlphaFold)   (AlphaFold entry P49021)

If you don't see a structure in the viewer, refresh your browser.
Model Confidence:
  • Very high (pLDDT > 90)
  • Confident (90 > pLDDT > 70)
  • Low (70 > pLDDT > 50)
  • Very low (pLDDT < 50)

AlphaFold produces a per-residue confidence score (pLDDT) between 0 and 100. Some regions with low pLDDT may be unstructured in isolation.

Experimentally Determined Structures
PDB - An information portal to biological macromolecular structures
Comments on Gene Model

Gene model reviewed during 6.01

Annotated transcripts do not represent all supported alternative splices within 5' UTR.

Annotated transcripts do not represent all possible combinations of alternative exons and/or alternative promoters.

Gene model reviewed during 5.46

Gene model reviewed during 5.56

Gene model reviewed during 6.08

Gene model reviewed during 6.33

Transcript Data
Annotated Transcripts
FlyBase ID
RefSeq ID
Length (nt)
Assoc. CDS (aa)
Additional Transcript Data and Comments
Reported size (kB)

5.2 (compiled cDNA)

External Data
Polypeptide Data
Annotated Polypeptides
FlyBase ID
Predicted MW (kDa)
Length (aa)
Theoretical pI
RefSeq ID
Polypeptides with Identical Sequences

The group(s) of polypeptides indicated below share identical sequence to each other.

1398 aa isoforms: tim-PB, tim-PP
Additional Polypeptide Data and Comments
Reported size (kDa)

180-190 (kD)

1389, 1122 (aa); 156 (kD predicted)

External Data
Subunit Structure (UniProtKB)

Forms a heterodimer with period (PER); the complex then translocates into the nucleus.

(UniProt, P49021)
Post Translational Modification

Phosphorylated with a circadian rhythmicity.

(UniProt, P49021)
InterPro - A database of protein families, domains and functional sites
PDB - An information portal to biological macromolecular structures
Sequences Consistent with the Gene Model
Mapped Features

Click to get a list of regulatory features (enhancers, TFBS, etc.) and gene disruptions (point mutations, indels, etc.) within or overlapping Dmel\tim using the Feature Mapper tool.

External Data
Eukaryotic Promoter Database - A collection of databases of experimentally validated promoters for selected model organisms.
Expression Data
Testis-specificity index

The testis specificity index was calculated from modENCODE tissue expression data by Vedelek et al., 2018 to indicate the degree of testis enrichment compared to other tissues. Scores range from -2.52 (underrepresented) to 5.2 (very high testis bias).


Transcript Expression
expression microarray
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
adult brain

Comment: tim expression is significantly higher at ZT16 compared to ZT4.

adult fat body

Comment: cyclical, peak ZT13-16

in situ
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
northern blot
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
RNase protection, primer extension, SI map
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
adult oenocyte

Comment: displays circadian cycling

adult fat body

Comment: displays circadian cycling


Comment: circadian oscillating expression

Additional Descriptive Data

Expression oscillates with the circadian cycle and peaks at ZT16, with the peak becoming less pronounced as flies age. Both the relative amount of mRNA and the strength of the peak are less in bodies compared to heads, and the rise to peak expression is more gradual.

The levels of tim transcript oscillate throughout the day in a circadian fashion, similarly to per but in contrast to inc. Expression of tim is highest between ZT10 to ZT20.

Expressed cyclically in the adult fat body.

tim is expressed in adult oenocytes and shows a sinusoidal expression pattern with a peak at night and a trough during the day.

tim mRNA shows robust circadian cycling in the pacemaker neuron of wildtype flies.

tim and vri transcripts are expressed in the same cells in the brain, the photoreceptor cells and two clusters in the brain corresponding to the ventral and dorsal lateral neurons (the pacemaker cells). Clock-dependent cycling of vri and tim transcripts is also observed in adult bodies.

tim transcripts show circadian cycling with a pattern that is antiphase to that of Clk transcripts. Peak values of tim transcripts occur in the early night.

tim transcripts are expressed in photoreceptor cells in the eye. They are also expressed in a discreet pattern in the brain and are found at the highest levels in the lateral neurons.

tim transcript levels in adult flies are not affected by exposure to light.

tim RNA levels were measured in adult heads at 4 hour intervals. tim RNA accumulation follows a circadian rhythm, and the oscillation patterns of tim and per RNA match. The maintenance of the circadian rhythmic accumulation of tim RNA is dependent on the presence of per and tim proteins. In flies reared in a 12 h light - 12 hr dark cycle, tim expression is highest at the end of the day, and lowest in early dawn.

Marker for
Subcellular Localization
CV Term
Polypeptide Expression
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
inferred from author statements
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
glial cell | subset

Comment: Authors state they find weak tim staining in glial cells, but do not detail which.

mass spectroscopy
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
western blot
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
Additional Descriptive Data

tim protein starts being expressed in the embryonic brain at stage 12, extending gradually to 160 neurons at stage 16; 130 of those also express ScerGAL4tim.PE. tim-positive neurons are found throughout the brain but with more cells located rostrally. Around 20 cells co-express per and tim. These cells are located in the lateral protocerebrum, close to where the lateral and dorsomedial larval clock neurons are found. Expression of tim in the ventral nerve cord starts at stage 12 in a few neurons in the anterior commissure. The number of midline and lateral labeled cells increases until stage 16, when per is detected in 8 midline cells and 11 pairs of lateral cells per segment. The lateral clusters of neurons express tim more strongly than the glial midline cells. More cells are detected in the thoracic segments than in the abdominal ones. Co-expression with en shows that almost all of the tim cells are anterior to the en domain.

tim levels are seen to strongly deplete in pacemaker neurons after lights on.

At 1 hour before lights on in an LD cycle, tim is predominantly nuclear localized, close to the nuclear membrane, but slightly centrifugal (lateral) to the per localization. tim protein levels are highest 3hrs before lights on and lowest 12hrs later.

Observed at ZT00, 06, 12 and 18, tim protein shows oscillation in the LP neurons and DN1a neurons under a 12:12 LD cycle.

tim protein shows strong oscillations under LD conditions, with a peak in the night and a rapid decrease at lights on.

By ZT2 tim is no longer seen in the nucleus of the l-LNvs. Significant levels of tim are seen in the cytoplasm by ZT18, 6 hours after lights off, and starts to appear in the nucleus by ZT19, becoming predominantly nuclear by ZT21. In the s-LNvs, tim was seen to be largely restricted to the cytoplasm through to ZT20, but becomes predominantly nuclear by ZT24.

Expression levels of tim cycle in Malpighian tubules in a circadian pattern.

tim protein is coexpressed with Pdf protein in larval lateral neurons.

Subcellular localization of tim protein in the larval LNs, DN1s and DN2s is both nuclear and cytoplasmic at the peak-expression time point. tim protein colocalizes with per protein. In the DN2s, tim expression was found to be in antiphase compared to the LNs and DN1.

In adult head sections, tim protein is detected in the nuclei of photoreceptor cells. This nuclear localization does not occur in per01 flies, and is thus dependent on the presence of per protein. Additional expression is detected in some lateral neurons of the protocerebrum, and glial cells in the lamina and medulla of the optic lobes. The peak of tim protein expression lags behind that of tim transcript expression.

Rhythmic accumulation of tim protein was detected in Western blots of adult head protein, whether the flies were kept in a LD 12:12 cycle, or in total darkness. In flies kept in a LD 12:12 cycle, there was an upward shift in the mobility of tim protein late at night, and peak accumulation was seen at the 6th hour of darkness. Immunolocalization to adult head sections shows that tim protein accumulates rhythmically in nuclei of photoreceptor cells and in nuclei and cytoplasm of pacemaker cells of the brain. The putative pacemakers, also called "lateral neurons", are clusters of neurons in the lateral protocerebrum. Lower levels of tim protein are detected in cells dispersed throughout the optic lobes.

Marker for
Subcellular Localization
CV Term
Expression Deduced from Reporters
Reporter: P{GAL4-tim.E}
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
CNS glial cell | subset

Comment: At the border between adjacent neuropils

pacemaker neuron

Comment: Authors state tim-gal4 is known to express in all clock neurons.

glial cell of adult brain

Comment: strong expression


Comment: medium expression

Reporter: P{UAS-tim-GAL4}
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
High-Throughput Expression Data
Associated Tools

JBrowse - Visual display of RNA-Seq signals

View Dmel\tim in JBrowse
RNA-Seq by Region - Search RNA-Seq expression levels by exon or genomic region
See Gelbart and Emmert, 2013 for analysis details and data files for all genes.
Developmental Proteome: Life Cycle
Developmental Proteome: Embryogenesis
External Data and Images
BDGP expression data - Patterns of gene expression in Drosophila embryogenesis
DRscDB - A single-cell RNA-seq resource for data mining and data comparison across species
EMBL-EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas - Single cell expression across species
FlyAtlas - Adult expression by tissue, using Affymetrix Dros2 array
FlyAtlas2 - A Drosophila melanogaster expression atlas with RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq and sex-specific data
Fly-FISH - A database of Drosophila embryo and larvae mRNA localization patterns
Flygut - An atlas of the Drosophila adult midgut
FlyExpress - Embryonic expression images (BDGP data)
  • Stages(s) 13-16
Alleles, Insertions, Transgenic Constructs, and Aberrations
Classical and Insertion Alleles ( 54 )
For All Classical and Insertion Alleles Show
Other relevant insertions
Transgenic Constructs ( 63 )
For All Alleles Carried on Transgenic Constructs Show
Transgenic constructs containing/affecting coding region of tim
Transgenic constructs containing regulatory region of tim
Aberrations (Deficiencies and Duplications) ( 8 )
Variant Molecular Consequences
Alleles Representing Disease-Implicated Variants
For more details about a specific phenotype click on the relevant allele symbol.
Other Phenotypes
Phenotype manifest in
Human Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1)
Species\Gene Symbol
Best Score
Best Reverse Score
Homo sapiens (Human) (1)
3 of 14
Model Organism Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1)
Species\Gene Symbol
Best Score
Best Reverse Score
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) (1)
4 of 14
Mus musculus (laboratory mouse) (1)
4 of 14
Xenopus tropicalis (Western clawed frog) (0)
Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (1)
4 of 14
Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematode, roundworm) (1)
2 of 14
Anopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito) (2)
11 of 12
Arabidopsis thaliana (thale-cress) (1)
2 of 13
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Brewer's yeast) (1)
3 of 13
Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Fission yeast) (1)
2 of 12
Escherichia coli (enterobacterium) (0)
Other Organism Orthologs (via OrthoDB)
Data provided directly from OrthoDB:tim. Refer to their site for version information.
Paralogs (via DIOPT v9.1)
Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) (1)
3 of 13
Human Disease Associations
FlyBase Human Disease Model Reports
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 2 )
    Potential Models Based on Orthology ( 1 )
    Human Ortholog
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Disease Associations of Human Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1 and OMIM)
    Note that ortholog calls supported by only 1 or 2 algorithms (DIOPT score < 3) are not shown.
    Homo sapiens (Human)
    Gene name
    OMIM Phenotype
    DO term
    Functional Complementation Data
    Functional complementation data is computed by FlyBase using a combination of the orthology data obtained from DIOPT and OrthoDB and the allele-level genetic interaction data curated from the literature.
    Summary of Physical Interactions
    esyN Network Diagram
    Show neighbor-neighbor interactions:
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    (data from AllianceMine provided by esyN)
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    Selected Interactor(s)
    Other Interaction Browsers

    Please see the Physical Interaction reports below for full details
    Physical Interaction
    Physical Interaction
    Physical Interaction
    Summary of Genetic Interactions
    esyN Network Diagram
    Show/hide secondary interactors 
    (data from AllianceMine provided by esyN)
    esyN Network Key:
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    Please look at the allele data for full details of the genetic interactions
    Starting gene(s)
    Interaction type
    Interacting gene(s)
    Starting gene(s)
    Interaction type
    Interacting gene(s)
    External Data
    Subunit Structure (UniProtKB)
    Forms a heterodimer with period (PER); the complex then translocates into the nucleus.
    (UniProt, P49021 )
    BioGRID - A database of protein and genetic interactions.
    DroID - A comprehensive database of gene and protein interactions.
    MIST (genetic) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
    MIST (protein-protein) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
    Signaling Pathways (FlyBase)
    Metabolic Pathways
    External Links
    External Data
    KEGG Pathways - A collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing knowledge of molecular interaction, reaction and relation networks.
    Class of Gene
    Genomic Location and Detailed Mapping Data
    Chromosome (arm)
    Recombination map
    Cytogenetic map
    Sequence location
    FlyBase Computed Cytological Location
    Cytogenetic map
    Evidence for location
    Limits computationally determined from genome sequence between P{EP}ThorEP818&P{lacW}Thork07736 and P{PZ}oddrF111&P{PZ}for06860
    Experimentally Determined Cytological Location
    Cytogenetic map
    Experimentally Determined Recombination Data

    No recombinants between timrit and tim01 occurred in 700 progeny of the transheterozygous females.

    Maps near or to the left of cl.

    Mapping based on 2 recombinants/1248 tested chromosomes.

    Stocks and Reagents
    Stocks (45)
    Genomic Clones (22)
    cDNA Clones (47)

    Please Note This section lists cDNAs and ESTs that fall within the genomic extent of the gene model, which may include cDNAs and ESTs of genes within introns, or of overlapping genes. Please see JBrowse for alignment of the cDNAs and ESTs to the gene model.

    cDNA clones, fully sequenced
    BDGP DGC clones
    Other clones
    Drosophila Genomics Resource Center cDNA clones

    For each fully sequenced cDNA the DGRC maintains various forms of the cDNA (e.g tagged or untagged) in several different host vectors for subsequent cloning and expression in Drosophila and Drosophila cell lines.

    cDNA Clones, End Sequenced (ESTs)
    BDGP DGC clones
    RNAi and Array Information
    DRSC - Results frm RNAi screens
    Antibody Information
    Cell Line Information
    Publicly Available Cell Lines
      Other Stable Cell Lines
        Other Comments

        Duplicate transcripts identified and eliminated during the migration of annotations from the release 5 genome assembly to the release 6 assembly.

        Gene expression is increased in response to the presence of either one or two copies of Scer\GAL4hs.PB.

        Shows particularly robust cycling of transcription in adult heads, as assessed by expression analysis using high density oligonucleotide arrays with probe generated during three 12-point time course experiments over the course of 6 days. Shows significant change of expression pattern in circadian mutant background; increased expression in per01, tim01 and decreased expression in ClkJrk background.

        Identified as one of 10 highest fold cycling genes as assessed by expression analysis using high density oligonucleotide arrays with probe generated from adult heads harvested over six time points over the course of a day. Identified in S2/cycloheximide assay as a direct target of Clk mediated transcriptional regulation.

        per has a role in circadian mating rhythm regulation.

        Maintenance of the per-tim feedback loop is not an absolute requirement for behavioral rhythms, but cyclic expression of the two proteins is essential.

        Excretory organs exhibit autonomous per and tim cycling.

        tim may be linked to the rest homeostatic mechanism.

        Light and post-transcriptional regulation play major roles in defining the temporal properties of the per and tim protein curves. The lag between mRNA and protein accumulation is unecessary for the feedback regulation of per and tim protein on per and tim transcription.

        CrebB-17A supports cycling of the per/tim oscillator.

        The cry and tim gene products physically interact in a yeast two hybrid assay in a light-dependent fashion.

        The cry gene product blocks the function of the per/tim heterodimeric complex in a light-dependent fashion.

        Mutations in tim abolish circadian rhythms in olfactory responses.

        Daily cycles in the association of per and tim proteins with the Clk-cyc complex may contribute to rhythmic expression of per and tim.

        timrit lengthens circadian period through suppression of per protein cycling and nuclear localization.

        timrit lengthens circadian period in a temperature-dependent manner.

        tim is degraded through a ubiquitin-proteasome mechanism. tim is ubiquitinated in response to light in cultured cells.

        tim increases per mRNA levels through a post-transcriptional mechanism.

        Transcription of per and tim, inhibitors of Clk, is induced by Clk.

        The function of dco may be to reduce the stability and thus the level of accumulation of monomeric per proteins, promoting the delay between per/tim transcription and the function of the per/tim protein complex, which is essential for molecular rhythmicity.

        Heat pulses at all times in a daily cycle elicited dramatic and rapid decreases in the levels of per and tim proteins, the proteins can be independently degraded by heat pulses. These two modalities produce markedly different long term effects on the circadian time-keeping mechanism. Heat-induced phase delays in behavioural rhythms are accompanied by long-term delays in the per and tim biochemical oscillations. Heat pulses in the late night elicit transient and rapid increases in the speed of the per-tim cycles. The timing of per and tim mRNA cycles is perturbed by heat pulses in a manner consistent with the direction and magnitude of the behavioural phase shift.

        The initiating Met of Dsim\tim and Dyak\tim appears to lie downstream of the one proposed to encode the translational start in tim, thereby truncating the N-terminus by 23 amino acids. Sequencing the 5' fragment in tim reveals a polymorphism which strongly suggests that the originally proposed site cannot be utilised in some individuals and these flies with initiate translation of tim at the downstream ATG.

        Post-transcriptional circadian regulation serves to ensure proper circadian fluctuations of clock gene expression.

        tim mediates light-induced resetting of the circadian clock. The effects of light on tim appear to be post-transcriptional.

        Cyclic expression of tim protein lags behind that of tim RNA by several hours. Nuclear expression of tim depends on per. The expression of tim, but not per, is rapidly reduced by light.

        Photic stimuli perturb the timing of the per protein and mRNA cycles in a manner consistent with the direction and magnitude of the phase shift. The tim protein interacts with per in vivo, and the association is rapidly decreased by light. The disruption of the per-tim complex in the cytoplasm is accompanied by a delay in per phosphorylation and nuclear entry and disruption in the nucleus by an advance in per phosphorylation and disappearance.

        Light inhibits the level and phosphorylation status of per and tim proteins, this then delays the negative feedback circuit (in which per or the per-tim complex participates) and extends the RNA profiles.

        The tim and per proteins physically interact and the timing of their association and nuclear localization promotes cycles of per and tim transcription through an autoregulatory feedback loop.

        tim couples the per-tim pacemaker to the environment: the tim gene product is rapidly degraded on exposure to light.

        The identification of a period-altering tim allele provides further evidence that tim is a major component of the clock, and the allele-specific interactions with per provide evidence that the per/tim heterodimer is a unit of circadian function.

        tim and per accumulate in the cytoplasm when independently expressed in S2 cells and move to the nucleus when coexpressed. Domains of per and tim have been identified that block nuclear localisation of the monomeric proteins. In vitro protein interaction studies indicate that the sequence inhibiting the nuclear accumulation of per forms a binding site for tim. Results indicate a mechanism for controlled nuclear localisation in which suppression of cytoplasmic localisation is accomplished by direct interaction of per and tim.

        per and tim are in a large protein complex, they are heterodimeric partners. Light causes tim protein degradation.

        Identification: as a protein that interacts specifically with per protein in a yeast two-hybrid assay.

        The interaction between the tim and per products determines the duration of part of the circadian cycle.

        The interaction between the tim and per products determines the timing of per nuclear entry.

        "Maps to the left of cl" was stated as tentative.

        tim and per interact; both are required for circadian rhythms.

        Absence of tim sequence similarity to the PER dimerization motif (PAS) indicates that direct interaction between the per and tim products would require a heterotypic protein association.

        tim suppresses circadian oscillations of per abundance and phosphorylation in light/dark cycles, depresses levels of per and blocks nuclear localisation of a per reporter gene due to a primary affect on per expression at the post-transcriptional level. Constant light has no effect on per in tim flies.

        Mutations of tim lead to loss of circadian rhythms.

        The accumulation of tim RNA follows a circadian rhythm, the phase and period of which are indistinguishable from those reported for per. The tim RNA oscillations are dependent on the presence of per and tim proteins. The cyclic expression of tim appears to dictate the timing of per protein accumulation and nuclear localization, suggesting that tim promotes circadian rhythms of per and tim transcription by restricting per RNA and protein accumulation to separate times of day.

        tim mutants suppress the circadian oscillation of per transcript.

        Mutations in tim produce arrhythmia for emergence of adult flies from the pupae and locomotor activity in adults.

        tim mutants suppress the circadian oscillation of per transcripts. tim is required for nuclear localisation of per protein.

        Mutations of tim produce arrhythmic behaviour.

        Relationship to Other Genes
        Source for database merge of

        Source for merge of: tim rit

        Additional comments
        Nomenclature History
        Source for database identify of
        Nomenclature comments

        'ritsu' means rhythm in Japanese.

        Synonyms and Secondary IDs (20)
        Reported As
        Symbol Synonym
        (Giesecke et al., 2023, Kang et al., 2023, Nolan et al., 2023, Au et al., 2022, Lin et al., 2022, Morioka et al., 2022, Ozturk, 2022, Anna and Kannan, 2021, Chandrasekaran et al., 2021, Kon et al., 2021, Lee et al., 2021, Nave et al., 2021, Tabuchi et al., 2021, Damulewicz and Mazzotta, 2020, Mahesh et al., 2020, Ogueta et al., 2020, Pelham et al., 2020, Schubert et al., 2020, Wang et al., 2020, Cho et al., 2019, Xue et al., 2019, Krzeptowski et al., 2018, Kweon et al., 2018, Lin et al., 2018, Pilorz et al., 2018, Top and Young, 2018, Top et al., 2018, Xue and Zhang, 2018, Agrawal et al., 2017, Dubowy and Sehgal, 2017, Mendoza-Viveros et al., 2017, Michael et al., 2017, Ganguly et al., 2016, Ito and Tomioka, 2016, Yoshii et al., 2016, Ki et al., 2015, Lerner et al., 2015, Petsakou et al., 2015, Yildirim et al., 2015, Anderson and Adolphs, 2014, Seluzicki et al., 2014, Tataroglu and Emery, 2014, Anonymous, 2013, Erion and Sehgal, 2013, Górska-Andrzejak, 2013, Lim and Allada, 2013, Menegazzi et al., 2013, Ozturk et al., 2013, Szabó et al., 2013, Vaidya et al., 2013, Hermann et al., 2012, Mandilaras and Missirlis, 2012, Umezaki et al., 2012, Keene et al., 2011, Lan and Mezić, 2011, Umezaki et al., 2011, Weber et al., 2011, Allada and Chung, 2010, Zheng and Sehgal, 2010, Knowles et al., 2009, Rieger et al., 2009, Shahidullah et al., 2009, Yoshii et al., 2009, Yoshii et al., 2009, Ayaz et al., 2008, Krishnan et al., 2008, Sehgal, 2008, Yoshii et al., 2008, Bachleitner et al., 2007, de la Paz Fernandez et al., 2007, Koh et al., 2007, Kuczenski et al., 2007, Miyasako et al., 2007, Veleri et al., 2007, Dunlap, 2006, Lee et al., 2006, Meyer et al., 2006, Meyer et al., 2006, Rieger et al., 2006, Yu et al., 2006, Yuan et al., 2005, Johnson and Day, 2000, Leloup and Goldbeter, 2000, Rosato, 1996.12.9, Rosato, 1996.12.9, Rosato, 1996.12.9, Rosato, 1996.12.9, Rosato, 1996.12.9, Rosato, 1996.12.9)
        (Brown et al., 2024, Dopp et al., 2024, Ma et al., 2024, Nolan et al., 2024, Ozcelik et al., 2024, Sekiguchi et al., 2024, Shirakawa et al., 2024, Tang et al., 2024, Xu et al., 2024, Anna et al., 2023, Chan et al., 2023, Cridland et al., 2023, Delbare et al., 2023, Gao et al., 2023, Goda et al., 2023, Khatib et al., 2023, Kim et al., 2023, Lee and Lim, 2023, Majcin Dorcikova et al., 2023, Rodrigues et al., 2023, Safdar and Wessells, 2023, Thakkar et al., 2023, Tuo et al., 2023, Ziech et al., 2023, Abdalla et al., 2022, Chen et al., 2022, Deppisch et al., 2022, Eick et al., 2022, Harris-Gauthier et al., 2022, Hodge et al., 2022, Jarabo et al., 2022, Johnstone et al., 2022, Kamiyama and Niwa, 2022, Lamaze et al., 2022, National Institute of Genetics Fly Stocks, 2022-, Philyaw et al., 2022, Poe et al., 2022, Schlichting et al., 2022, Sebastian et al., 2022, Sheardown et al., 2022, Tang et al., 2022, Vaughen et al., 2022, Yildirim et al., 2022, Zhao et al., 2022, Ahmad et al., 2021, Cavieres-Lepe and Ewer, 2021, De and Chatterjee, 2021, Du et al., 2021, George and Stanewsky, 2021, Gunawardhana et al., 2021, Khyati et al., 2021, Kula-Eversole et al., 2021, Lee et al., 2021, Liu et al., 2021, Ma et al., 2021, Millet-Boureima et al., 2021, Mosier and Hurley, 2021, Nayak and Mishra, 2021, Pang et al., 2021, Park et al., 2021, Rivas et al., 2021, Solovev et al., 2021, Srikanta and Cermakian, 2021, Ulgherait et al., 2021, Zhang et al., 2021, Zhang et al., 2021, de Azevedo et al., 2020, De Nobrega and Lyons, 2020, Foley and Emery, 2020, Funato, 2020, Fustin et al., 2020, Helfrich-Förster et al., 2020, Hill et al., 2020, King and Sehgal, 2020, Malik et al., 2020, Patke et al., 2020, Ulgherait et al., 2020, Versteven et al., 2020, Xia et al., 2020, Zhu and Belden, 2020, Arnes et al., 2019, Baik et al., 2019, Berntsson et al., 2019, Boomgarden et al., 2019, Brunet Avalos et al., 2019, Delventhal et al., 2019, Díaz et al., 2019, Faragó et al., 2019, Foley et al., 2019, Gibo and Kurosawa, 2019, Goda and Hamada, 2019, Grima et al., 2019, Hegazi et al., 2019, Hsieh et al., 2019, Kozlov and Nagoshi, 2019, Krittika and Yadav, 2019, Lee et al., 2019, Li et al., 2019, Luhur et al., 2019, Martin Anduaga et al., 2019, Meltzer et al., 2019, Minas and Rand, 2019, Nagy et al., 2019, Ri et al., 2019, S and Sriram, 2019, Schlichting et al., 2019, Singh et al., 2019, Solovev et al., 2019, Uriu and Tei, 2019, Xue et al., 2019, Xu et al., 2019, Xu et al., 2019, Zhao et al., 2019, Zhao et al., 2019, Baik et al., 2018, Du et al., 2018, Filošević et al., 2018, Giebultowicz, 2018, Lamba et al., 2018, Luo et al., 2018, Nagy et al., 2018, Noreen et al., 2018, Parasram et al., 2018, Shakhmantsir et al., 2018, Top et al., 2018, Young, 2018, Zhang et al., 2018, Zonato et al., 2018, Abruzzi et al., 2017, Agrawal et al., 2017, Allen et al., 2017, He et al., 2017, Jiang et al., 2017, Li et al., 2017, Liu et al., 2017, Long et al., 2017, Park et al., 2017, Selcho et al., 2017, Transgenic RNAi Project members, 2017-, Vaccaro et al., 2017, Zhao and Karpac, 2017, Chen and Rosbash, 2016, Cho et al., 2016, Di Cara and King-Jones, 2016, Fu et al., 2016, Kim et al., 2016, Kučerová et al., 2016, Lazopulo and Syed, 2016, Lone et al., 2016, Maurer et al., 2016, Mezan et al., 2016, Nikhil et al., 2016, Schiesari et al., 2016, Top et al., 2016, Andreazza et al., 2015, Chen et al., 2015, Donelson and Sanyal, 2015, Gene Disruption Project members, 2015-, Giebultowicz and Long, 2015, Gill et al., 2015, Green et al., 2015, Grotewiel and Bettinger, 2015, Head et al., 2015, Jang et al., 2015, Jaumouillé et al., 2015, Kidd et al., 2015, Klichko et al., 2015, Lerner et al., 2015, Maguire and Sehgal, 2015, Merbitz-Zahradnik and Wolf, 2015, Montelli et al., 2015, Moskalev et al., 2015, Tomita et al., 2015, Zhao et al., 2015, Zwarts et al., 2015, Ashwal-Fluss et al., 2014, FlyBase Genome Annotators, 2014, Goda et al., 2014, Lamba et al., 2014, Lee et al., 2014, Liu and Zhao, 2014, Liu et al., 2014, Pegoraro et al., 2014, Seluzicki et al., 2014, Taylor et al., 2014, Weiss et al., 2014, Zheng et al., 2014, Beckwith et al., 2013, Erion and Sehgal, 2013, Garbe et al., 2013, Górska-Andrzejak, 2013, Itoh et al., 2013, Krupp et al., 2013, Kwon et al., 2013, Lee et al., 2013, Li and Rosbash, 2013, Lim and Allada, 2013, Mehta and Cheng, 2013, Pohl et al., 2013, Rakshit et al., 2013, Rodriguez et al., 2013, Zhang et al., 2013, Bradley et al., 2012, Bywalez et al., 2012, Chen et al., 2012, Grima et al., 2012, Japanese National Institute of Genetics, 2012.5.21, Kaneko et al., 2012, Ling et al., 2012, Luo and Sehgal, 2012, Luo et al., 2012, Mizrak et al., 2012, Rakshit et al., 2012, Rieger et al., 2012, Rodriguez et al., 2012, Ruben et al., 2012, Vanin et al., 2012, Xu et al., 2012, Abruzzi et al., 2011, Chen et al., 2011, Diangelo et al., 2011, DiTacchio et al., 2011, Fogle et al., 2011, Goda et al., 2011, Hara et al., 2011, Ito et al., 2011, Itoh et al., 2011, Jackson, 2011, Lamaze et al., 2011, Lim et al., 2011, Mehnert and Cantera, 2011, Saez et al., 2011, Scribner and Fathallah-Shaykh, 2011, Staiger and Koster, 2011, Stavropoulos and Young, 2011, Xu et al., 2011, Barth et al., 2010, Beaver et al., 2010, Blanchard et al., 2010, Fernández-Ayala et al., 2010, Fujii and Amrein, 2010, Gegear et al., 2010, Kula-Eversole et al., 2010, Li et al., 2010, Menet et al., 2010, Nagoshi et al., 2010, Ruiz et al., 2010, Sun et al., 2010, Tang et al., 2010, Wasbrough et al., 2010, Xie et al., 2010, Yoshii et al., 2010, Currie et al., 2009, Dubruille et al., 2009, Fathallah-Shaykh et al., 2009, Gong, 2009, Hung et al., 2009, Johard et al., 2009, Kadener et al., 2009, Kempinger et al., 2009, Kilman and Allada, 2009, Landskron et al., 2009, Lyons and Roman, 2009, Peschel et al., 2009, Picot et al., 2009, Sehadova et al., 2009, Yu et al., 2009, Bagheri et al., 2008, Benito et al., 2008, Dunlap, 2008, Fernandez et al., 2008, Fujii et al., 2008, Houl et al., 2008, Ito et al., 2008, Kadener et al., 2008, Kivimäe et al., 2008, Krupp et al., 2008, Lee and Edery, 2008, Lee et al., 2008, Liu and Lehmann, 2008, Lu et al., 2008, Meissner et al., 2008, Mikhaylova et al., 2008, Miura et al., 2008, Ogawa et al., 2008, Richier et al., 2008, Sathyanarayanan et al., 2008, Sekine et al., 2008, Shaik et al., 2008, Shimizu et al., 2008, Smith et al., 2008, Tanoue et al., 2008, Taylor and Hardin, 2008, T et al., 2008, Wu et al., 2008, Xu et al., 2008, Yang et al., 2008, Yoshii et al., 2008, Boothroyd et al., 2007, Dolezelova et al., 2007, Fang et al., 2007, Fang et al., 2007, Goldman and Arbeitman, 2007, Gunawan and Doyle, 2007, Hamasaka et al., 2007, Helfrich-Forster et al., 2007, Hemsley et al., 2007, Hung et al., 2007, Kadener et al., 2007, Keegan et al., 2007, Kim et al., 2007, Ko et al., 2007, Koh et al., 2007, Krupp et al., 2007, Kuczenski et al., 2007, Kurata et al., 2007, Lim et al., 2007, Lim et al., 2007, Matsumoto et al., 2007, Mehnert et al., 2007, Stoleru et al., 2007, Suh and Jackson, 2007, Tauber et al., 2007, Vosshall, 2007, Wijnen et al., 2007, Yoshii et al., 2007, Zheng et al., 2007, Chen et al., 2006, Collins et al., 2006, Dunlap, 2006, Ganguly-Fitzgerald et al., 2006, Hamasaka and Nassel, 2006, Kadener et al., 2006, Koh et al., 2006, Koh et al., 2006, Koh et al., 2006, Kula et al., 2006, Reppert, 2006, Rush et al., 2006, Seugnet et al., 2006, Shafer et al., 2006, Van Gelder, 2006, Wijnen et al., 2006, Yu and Hardin, 2006, Cyran et al., 2005, Mazzoni et al., 2005, Nitabach et al., 2005, Yoshii et al., 2005, Yuan et al., 2005, Yuan et al., 2005, Zhou et al., 2005, Jaramillo et al., 2004, Majercak et al., 2004, Preuss et al., 2004, Beaver et al., 2003, Hall, 2003, Hendricks et al., 2003, Levine et al., 2002, Levine et al., 2002, Stanewsky et al., 2002, Yoshii et al., 2002, Hendricks et al., 2001, Ivanchenko et al., 2001, Leloup and Goldbeter, 2001, Lin et al., 2001, Petri and Stengl, 2001, Gotter et al., 2000, Kaneko et al., 2000)
        Name Synonyms
        (Anthoney et al., 2023, Segu and Kannan, 2023, Shafer and Keene, 2021, de Azevedo et al., 2020, Erickson et al., 2020, Zonato et al., 2018, Jiang et al., 2017, Li et al., 2017, Roessingh and Stanewsky, 2017, Chen and Rosbash, 2016, Di Cara and King-Jones, 2016, Mezan et al., 2016, Nikhil et al., 2016, Ou et al., 2016, Parisky et al., 2016, Andreazza et al., 2015, Chen et al., 2015, Donelson and Sanyal, 2015, Green et al., 2015, Head et al., 2015, Merbitz-Zahradnik and Wolf, 2015, Paparazzo et al., 2015, Goda et al., 2014, Zheng et al., 2014, Erion and Sehgal, 2013, Garbe et al., 2013, Górska-Andrzejak, 2013, Krupp et al., 2013, Lee et al., 2013, Lim and Allada, 2013, Rakshit et al., 2013, Thimgan et al., 2013, Bywalez et al., 2012, Kaneko et al., 2012, Linford et al., 2012, Luo et al., 2012, Rakshit et al., 2012, Rieger et al., 2012, DiTacchio et al., 2011, Lamaze et al., 2011, Mehnert and Cantera, 2011, Saunders and Bertossa, 2011, Sehgal and Mignot, 2011, Barth et al., 2010, Blanchard et al., 2010, Gegear et al., 2010, Li et al., 2010, Menet et al., 2010, Ruiz et al., 2010, Dubruille et al., 2009, Gong, 2009, Johard et al., 2009, Landskron et al., 2009, Lyons and Roman, 2009, Peschel et al., 2009, Picot et al., 2009, Yu et al., 2009, Bagheri et al., 2008, Dunlap, 2008, Houl et al., 2008, Kadener et al., 2008, Krupp et al., 2008, Lee and Edery, 2008, Lee et al., 2008, Lu et al., 2008, Shimizu et al., 2008, T et al., 2008, Tomaiuolo et al., 2008, Wu et al., 2008, Boothroyd et al., 2007, Fang et al., 2007, Goldman and Arbeitman, 2007, Krupp et al., 2007, Lim et al., 2007, Lim et al., 2007, Mehnert et al., 2007, Sandrelli et al., 2007, Tauber et al., 2007, Vosshall, 2007, Wijnen et al., 2007, Wu and Silverman, 2007, Kadener et al., 2006, Koh et al., 2006, Van Gelder, 2006, Yu and Hardin, 2006, Mazzoni et al., 2005, Nitabach et al., 2005, Yuan et al., 2005, Zhou et al., 2005, Jaramillo et al., 2004, Beaver et al., 2003, Hall, 2003, Hendricks et al., 2003, Levine et al., 2002, Levine et al., 2002, Stanewsky et al., 2002, Hendricks et al., 2001, Leloup and Goldbeter, 2001, Petri and Stengl, 2001, Gotter et al., 2000, Kaneko et al., 2000, Sehgal et al., 1994, Vosshall et al., 1994)
        Secondary FlyBase IDs
        • FBgn0015535
        Datasets (0)
        Study focus (0)
        Experimental Role
        Project Type
        Study result (0)
        Result Type
        External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 95 )
        Sequence Crossreferences
        NCBI Gene - Gene integrates information from a wide range of species. A record may include nomenclature, Reference Sequences (RefSeqs), maps, pathways, variations, phenotypes, and links to genome-, phenotype-, and locus-specific resources worldwide.
        GenBank Nucleotide - A collection of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA, and PDB.
        GenBank Protein - A collection of sequences from several sources, including translations from annotated coding regions in GenBank, RefSeq and TPA, as well as records from SwissProt, PIR, PRF, and PDB.
        RefSeq - A comprehensive, integrated, non-redundant, well-annotated set of reference sequences including genomic, transcript, and protein.
        UniProt/GCRP - The gene-centric reference proteome (GCRP) provides a 1:1 mapping between genes and UniProt accessions in which a single 'canonical' isoform represents the product(s) of each protein-coding gene.
        UniProt/Swiss-Prot - Manually annotated and reviewed records of protein sequence and functional information
        UniProt/TrEMBL - Automatically annotated and unreviewed records of protein sequence and functional information
        Other crossreferences
        AlphaFold DB - AlphaFold provides open access to protein structure predictions for the human proteome and other key proteins of interest, to accelerate scientific research.
        BDGP expression data - Patterns of gene expression in Drosophila embryogenesis
        DRscDB - A single-cell RNA-seq resource for data mining and data comparison across species
        EMBL-EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas - Single cell expression across species
        FlyAtlas2 - A Drosophila melanogaster expression atlas with RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq and sex-specific data
        FlyMine - An integrated database for Drosophila genomics
        InterPro - A database of protein families, domains and functional sites
        KEGG Genes - Molecular building blocks of life in the genomic space.
        MARRVEL_MODEL - MARRVEL (model organism gene)
        PDB - An information portal to biological macromolecular structures
        BioGRID - A database of protein and genetic interactions.
        Drosophila Genomics Resource Center - Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (DGRC) cDNA clones
        DroID - A comprehensive database of gene and protein interactions.
        DRSC - Results frm RNAi screens
        Eukaryotic Promoter Database - A collection of databases of experimentally validated promoters for selected model organisms.
        FlyAtlas - Adult expression by tissue, using Affymetrix Dros2 array
        FlyCyc Genes - Genes from a BioCyc PGDB for Dmel
        Fly-FISH - A database of Drosophila embryo and larvae mRNA localization patterns
        Flygut - An atlas of the Drosophila adult midgut
        iBeetle-Base - RNAi phenotypes in the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum)
        Interactive Fly - A cyberspace guide to Drosophila development and metazoan evolution
        KEGG Pathways - A collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing knowledge of molecular interaction, reaction and relation networks.
        MIST (genetic) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
        MIST (protein-protein) - An integrated Molecular Interaction Database
        References (943)