FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Takeyama, K., Ito, S., Sawatsubashi, S., Shirode, Y., Yamamoto, A., Suzuki, E., Maki, A., Yamagata, K., Zhao, Y., Kouzmenko, A., Tabata, T., Kato, S. (2004). A novel genetic system for analysis of co-activators for the N-terminal transactivation function domain of the human androgen receptor.  Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 68(6): 1209--1215.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Androgen receptor (hAR) regulates transcription of target genes in a ligand-dependent manner and recruits a number of co-activators for the ligand-induced transactivation via the N-terminal, activation function-1 (AF-1), and C-terminal, AF-2, transactivation domains. But the co-regulator functions on each of AR domains have not yet been fully understood. We have established a Drosophila transgenic system in which hAR and its deletion mutants are ectopically expressed in fly tissues together with an AR response element (ARE)-GFP reporter gene, and have confirmed that hAR was functional in ARE transactivation without affecting the expression of endogenous genes. We found that transcriptional activity of the hAR AF-1 domain was markedly reduced in Drosophila deficiency mutants of homologs for known mammalian co-activators of the AR ligand-dependent AF-2 domain. This suggests that hAR AF-1 recruits co-activators previously known only to interact with the AF-2 domain. Therefore, Drosophila with the hAR AF-1 transgene provides a relevant genetic system in which to uncover novel functions of vertebrate steroid hormone receptors and to screen for novel AF-1 co-regulators.
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
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    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry
    Publication Year
    Data From Reference
    Genes (6)