Planar cell polarity (PCP)-signaling and associated tissue polarization are evolutionarily conserved. A well documented feature of PCP-signaling in vertebrates is its link to centriole/cilia positioning, although the relationship of PCP and ciliogenesis is still debated. A recent report in Drosophila established that Frizzled (Fz)-PCP core signaling has an instructive input to polarized centriole positioning in non-ciliated Drosophila wing epithelia as a PCP read-out. Here, we review the impact of this observation in the context of recent descriptions of the relationship(s) of core Fz-PCP signaling and cilia/centriole positioning in epithelial and non-epithelial cells. All existing data are consistent with a model where Fz-PCP signaling functions upstream of centriole/cilia positioning, independent of ciliogenesis. The combined data sets indicate that the Fz-Dsh PCP complex is instructive for centriole/ciliary positioning via an actin-based mechanism. Thereby, centriole/cilia/centrosome positioning can be considered an evolutionarily conserved readout and common downstream effect of PCP-signaling from flies to mammals.