New stable cell line derived from this cell line: vsg KO lines were created in S2R+- MT::Cas9 cells.
This cell line was developed to support CRISPR pooled-format screening in Drosophila cells. The starting cell line used to generate S2R+-MT::Cas9, S2R+-NPT005, was created using MiMIC technology and is described in Neumuller et al. 2012 (FBrf0217811). N-terminally flag-tagged Cas9 driven by a metallothionein promotor was transfected into S2R+-NPT005 and stable transfected cells were derived to generate S2R+-MT::Cas9. Attributes of this cell line include: S2R+ derivative; expresses mCherry ::Clic fusion protein; attP sites present; pMT-Flag-Cas9.