Full length Apc2 containing several amino acid replacements in the 20R1 and 20R5 regions (E595Q, Y600A, E603Q, T605A, P606A, T645A, D650A, L653A, T655A, P656A, D737N, F742A, E745Q, T747A, P748A, D784N, Y789A, E792Q, T794A, T795A, D862N, Y867A, E870Q, S872A, T873A) is expressed under the control of the native promoter and tagged with EGFP.
Apc2R1-R5ExR.EGFP is a non-suppressor of lethal | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype of Apc2g10, ApcQ8
Apc2R1-R5ExR.EGFP is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval cuticle | germline clone | rescuable maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype of Apc2g10, ApcQ8
Expression of Apc2R1-R5ExR.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP fails to suppress the lethality seen in embryos derived from females carrying homozygous Apc2g10 ApcQ8 germline clones and heterozygous double mutant males (generated using the FRT-FLP-DFS technique). 21% of embryos are able to hatch. The severity of the cuticle defects in the remaining progeny is similar to the double mutant alone.
Apc2R1-R5ExR.EGFP partially rescues Apc2g10
Expression of Apc2R1-R5ExR.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP modestly rescues the lethality seen in embryos that are both maternally and zygotically mutant for Apc2g10, resulting in a 34% hatch rate. Weak cuticle defects are seen in the embryos that fail to hatch.